I sighed and walked towards the living room. I crouched down and shook him.

"Wake Up Vansh!" He whined.

Such an adorable sound

What the hell is happening to me? I'm becoming too soft. I decided to hold my horses from overthinking and decided to focus on waking this man up who was acting like a baby.

"WAKE UP!" I stood up shouting.

He half-opened his eyes and blinked rapidly. His eyes roamed around the room, me and then he did something which was very childish. He closed his eyes, shifted to find another comfortable position, and took a blanket over his head.


He was testing my patience. I held the end of the blanket which was over his head, removed it from his body, and threw it on the ground.

"Wake up now, It's 10 already a--uff" he tugged my hand and pulled me towards him.

I fell on the sofa beside him and he held me loosely. Damn, I did not know that this sofa was so wide, I always struggled to find a comfortable position on it. Now I know how he was able to sleep on this thing.

Speaking of Vansh, his eyes were closed and he was not ready to wake up.

He looked so peaceful, his hair was all messed up and his lips were parted. His breath was fanning on my face. He had very light freckles and also a scar near the left eyebrow, which was very hard to see from distance. I resisted the urge to run my finger on it. Again.

As I was adoring his male beauty, his eyes half-opened and gave me a small smile. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I was breathless because of that sight.

But as soon as he realized what positing we were, his eyes widened and all the sleep seemed to leave his eyes and body. He removed his arms and both of us stood up. I swear I saw his cheeks turning pink. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"I'll just go and get ready," he said and went into his room before giving me time to respond. I sighed and started cleaning the sofa.


I was sitting on the dining table drinking water with a spoon and waiting for Vansh to come. I know I'm childish but I was bored waiting for him.

"You made us brunch?"

I was startled by his voice so much that I accidentally splashed the water on my face instead of drinking it. My eyes widened after closing them to prevent the water from entering into my eyes.



I narrowed my eyes on him and he schooled his expression, hiding his laugh.

"Next time, do not scare me like this."

"Okay," he raised his hands in surrender. He sat down in front of me and started eating.

"I love the food"

"Thank you" I smiled and he winked. I could feel the tingles in my body but I decided to brush them off.

While eating I noticed the scars on his knuckles. I wanted to ask him about it but was afraid. What if he snaps? What if it's too personal?

But, I was his wife. I was bound to know everything about him. I was supposed to know almost everything, everything important.

I looked up from my plate to look at his face. He had a slight smile on his face and looked carefree. But knowing him a little, he was not carefree and stupid he appeared to be.

"What do you want to ask?" He sensed my gaze on him and looked up. His eyes were a different kind of brown.

"Your scar. What are these scars about?" He froze for a second, smiled sadly, and laughed a little.

"That ugly thing is still visible" I decided to keep quiet and let him continue. "We friends were just fooling around in the boxing ring"

"You boxed? Why did you not wear those things?"

"Another time?Okay?"

"Tell the real story at that time? Okay?" he sighed but agreed and for the rest of the time, both of us talked about safer topics, lighter topics.

Another time


Hey Potatoes <3

Thank you for reading. I hope you like it.

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Ishita :)

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