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Marianna smiled as she caught the glimmer of the ring on her finger. The weight around her waist lifted and was moved to her shoulder, Takashi placing a kiss to her head. They were in their own room. In their own house. Marianna's mother came from an old Mexican family. Once the daughter was married she was no longer a daughter but a wife. She designed the home especially for them.
Takashi settled back next to his wife and allowed her to get up, watching her as she slipped a robe over her nude body. She walked into the adjoined bathroom and began getting ready for the day. Takashi still laid in bed, looking around their room and just thinking.

He proposed to her six months ago. They graduated. They married just yesterday. They were surprised with a house. Takashi looked back at the door when he heard the shower turn on and smiled. A smile that stretched across his face as he listened to his wife sing lightly. He sat up and removed the sheet covering his own nude body. He stealthily moved to the bathroom and began getting ready for the day as well.

He put his toothbrush back in the holder and his face wash back in the cabinet before turning to the shower and watching the steam come out the top of it. Her small body could barely be seen through the glass but he saw enough. He walked towards the shower and opened the door as quietly as he could. Marianna was still singing lightly. Eyes closed as she rinsed her hair. Mori wrapped his arms around her, startling her.

He chuckled slightly, letting the hot water run down the both of them.

"I love you."
"Te amo."

Sugarpie Honeybunch ▪ Mori (Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora