3 (edited)

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Marianna sat with Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai when the club started, her small hands encasing her book as she lounged in the seat closest to Honey. "Mari-chan~" Honey sang, his lips quivering as he smiled.
"Yes, senpai?"
"Can we switch seats, Mari-chan?"
Marianna glanced up at the boy, reading glasses perched on her nose, a single eyebrow raised. "Why?"
Honey only smiled wider as he crawled over the girl and pushed her over where he was sitting.
"I can't talk to these lovely ladies properly if you're sitting there silly!" He exclaimed. The statement elicited squeals from the girls at the table and just about all of them fainted when he bit into a cupcake and left icing on his nose.
"Ah, I was hoping for a longer time than that." Honey said, his lips turning into a small frown before turning back to his cake. Marianna didn't even look up from her reading as she asked Honey, "Do you want your seat back, Hani-senpai?"

"No!" He said cheekily , his cheek stuffed with cake. Marianna sighed and then removed her glasses, rubbing her eyes. She glanced to her left and caught Mori-senpais eye. Smiling she stretched a little bit before resting her head back against the seat. Eyes closed.
Mori's eyes glazed over the petite girl sat beside him. Her legs were crossed at the ankles, her heels still sitting in her feet, he was surprised she hasn't kicked them off. Her skirt had risen the smallest bit but his eyes quickly darted away from the tan skin there. Her shirt was wrinkled from her movement throughout the day but the collar still appeared crisp. Her blazer was sitting beside her, it separating her from Honey.
"Takashi~" Honey sang, his eyes wide.
Mori grunted low in response, his eyes never straying from the girl he was studying. "Do you think Mari-chan will join the host club?"
Mori's eyes darted over to his cousin. Something about what he said didn't sit right with him. He didn't like the thought of Marianna becoming a host.
"I hope not." He muttered, his eyes moving back to Marianna. Her silver hair was tucked behind her ears, her attached earlobes seeming so cute to him. Morinozuka Takashi was a marshmallow when it came to cute things.
After club had ended, Marianna was jostled from her light sleep by Mori, whom sported a small smile as he picked up the girl and set her on her feet. She tipped to the side slightly before Honey came in and tugged on her hand, handing her the book she was reading along with her reading glasses. "Please come visit soon, Mari-chan." Honey sang as he hugged her around her waist. Marianna smiled and nodded, "Of course, Senpai."
Her voice was thick with sleep, it being smooth and rich. It was then Takashi decided that he liked the sound. He just couldn't explain why.
As Marianna tossed her jacket over her shoulders and chatted lightly with Haruhi. Mori had picked up the girls bag and tossed it over his shoulder. Honey still sat at the table with his final slice of cake, giving Mori the time he needed to hand the girl her bag. Haruhi spotted the boy walking over and smiled. Marianna turned as well and smiled as she caught sight of her bag hanging off his shoulder. "Ah, I almost forgot about it. Thank you, Mori-senpai." She said, giving a small bow as she turned back around. Takashi still stood behind her, not able to move for a second before Honey came up behind him.

"Mari-chan~" He sang, arm enclosing around the girls waist, his cheek pressing against her thin arm. "Can Takashi and I walk you down?"
Marianna glanced up at Mori with a small tinge to her cheeks. "I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"You're not." Mori said, his voice successfully catching her attention. Marianna giggled a little, "Then I wouldn't mind the company, thank you." Honey cheered and hopped up onto Mori, scrambling up to his shoulders and giggled cutely. The trio said their goodbyes and then walked out the double doors of the club.

Honey chattered happily with Marianna talking about the most mundane things. All ranging from her favorite cake to her ethnicity. "Mari-chan you're not from here right?"
"Mitsukuni." Mori said, a silent warning to his rude question.
"It's okay, Mori-senpai. I don't mind. My mother is Mexican and my father is Korean."

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