14 (edited)

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Takashi and Marianna walked into club later that day. Marianna chatting lightly about something while Mori listened. No body said anything about the two's closeness, not even commenting on the bruise Mori boasted on his jaw line. It was when they ran into Tamaki and the twins that they were finally questioned.

Two mischevious voices came upon both side of the couple's, smirks practically splitting their faces. "Ah, Mori-senpai, what is that on your- ACK!" A hand came down on Hikaru's back. Marianna coming up on his side and smiling up at him.
"How ya doin'?"

He stopped, his face pale as he wobbled his way over to his brother. Mori chuckled and lifted the girl up, burrowing his face in her neck with a laugh. Mori carried his girlfriend over to his cousin, ruffling his hair as he set his girlfriend on his left and Honey on his right. Kyoya came up then, "Today you all will join tables and offer a Little Family package. No single reservations were set and you have a queue of people waiting for you. "

The three nodded simultaneously. Marianna interlocked her fingers with Mori's and kissed his shoulder lightly. Honey climbed over Takashi and sat in Marianna's lap. "I'm not to heavy, right, Mommy?" Honey asked just as a couple girls made their way over, giggling as they pointed. Marianna smiled and hugged him tightly, "Of course not, Mitsukikito." She kissed his head repeatedly.

Honey giggled and wrapped his arms around her neck, nearly choking her. Takashi laughed and pulled Honey from his girl, setting him on his knee and handing him a slice of cake.

Club went as usual. The girls came and went, squealing all the while. The little family package was a big hit, although some agreed it was a bit unsettling when they wanted to reserve just the boys or just Marianna.

It was after hours now and nobody had really been willing to move. Marianna was curled up in Mori's side, not wanting to move. She snoozed lightly against the warmth that Mori provided. She sighed softly into Mori's torso, listening to Kyoya ramble off the statistics for the club day. Mori looked down at the girl and smiled small, watching the way she breathed. Slowly, in a calming way. Mori smiled and caught eyes with Honey.
"Are you going to marry her Takashi?" He whispered. The gentle giant stilled, just a bit and looked around at the host club as they quieted significantly. "If she'll have me."

Marianna breathed in sharply, her eyes opening and catching on to her boyfriends.
Honey smiled at the two and giggled lightly.

"Are you alright?" Takashi questioned, his voice low. Marianna nodded, not trusting her voice. Honey leaned over and offered Mari a cup of tea. She said her thanks and began chatting with Honey, giggling every once in a while. Everyone else moved on, Kyouya working in his laptop, Tamaki and the Twins harassing Haruhi, and Mori and them sitting a the table, laughing.
Honey's easygoing smile turned into a sly smirk once he noticed something along Mori's jaw line. "Takashi, what's on your neck?"

Takashi went rigid, not knowing if he should be honest or cover it up. "I burned myself."

"With what?"

Takashi's mind went back to this morning when he was watching Mari get ready. "A curling iron."

Marianna snorted, her elegant demeanor diminishing as she continued to bubble with laughter. Kyoya had stopped talking and was instead looking over at her with the rest of the club. Her and Honey were giggling uncontrollably as Mori watched on with pupilless eyes.

"I think that's a wrap for club today." Tamaki said, his violet eyes set on Mori and Marianna. The host club sighed in relief, ready to head home after a long day of studying and hosting. The club room emptied, one by one. It was the twins, then Haruhi, then the boys and Marianna, leaving Tamaki and Kyoya behind.

"Their relationship," Tamaki began, his chin nestled in his palm as his elbow rested on his knee, "It seems to have advanced far faster than we anticipated."

Kyoya pushed his glasses up, the glare of the setting sun flashing across the lenses. "Yes, they are happy together. The majority of customers have accepted them quite well, too. They have begun shipping them."

Tamaki sighed, his thoughts wandering to the only other girl in the club. Kyoya seemed to take note of this and closed his note book, letting Tamaki wander through his thoughts.
When Marianna got home, she was reasonably late. She had stayed for dinner at Mori's place, finally meeting his parents. The dinner had gone smoothly, them accepting her as much as they could. His father wasn't all too pleased that she wasn't born into wealth but he seemed to appreciate how hardworking and dedicated she was. It helped that she was the epitome of elegance as well. It seemed the lessons her father had put her through paid off.

Speaking of, when Marianna walked through the door, she was met with the hushed voices of her parents. Strange considering the fact that they were supposed to be on a business trip. She walked into the sitting room, smiling as her parents sat near each other.
"You're home." She said simply, her smile wide.

Her mother and father smiled, eyes glistening, "We are, but not for long. Fukui Levin called him with some news."
Her mother, despite her smile, didn't seem all that happy. Her father's expression was similar. "He has a son, a few years older than you. He would like for the two of you to be wed."

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