7 (edited)

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The day came for the visit to the Ootori relaxation park and Takashi wasn't kidding when he said he'd pick her up on time. He stood outside the doors to her cultural studies class and almost immediately took her hand in his. "Takashi." Marianna called, "You're walking a little too fast." She huffed as she struggled to keep up with him in her heels, her shorter legs already having a harder time without the pumps on her feet. Wasting no time, Mori picked her up, ignoring the squealing and whispers, and moved towards the front gates where he then dropped her in his limo and got in after her. He buckled her seatbelt before buckling his own and simply sat, content with watching the way Marianna reacted to her surroundings. It was almost as if she had never been in a limo before.
Marianna caught his gaze and blushed, "Sorry, I've just never been in one of these before."
Mori raised a brow, asking a silent question.
"Yeah, I have a driver but he picks me up in our family car, not a limousine."
Mori smiled softly and nodded.
"Where's Honey?" Marianna asked, her eyes moving to his bunny floaty in the corner.
"He forgot his swim goggles so he'll meet us there."
A simple nod and nothing much was said for the rest of the ride. It was only after Mori climbed out of the limo and proceeded to help Marianna out that things really kicked into gear. The twins wasted no time in kidnapping her as Hikaru hoisted her over his shoulders and practically ran down the pathway to the changing rooms. Haruhi was there as well, in a yellow sweatshirt and checkered shorts. "They kidnapped you too?" He asked, his whiskey eyes glancing over her uniform.
"Something like that." Marianna giggled, her eyes grazing over the twins and back towards Mori. He was changed into a pair of swim trunks and nothing but. Marianna's eyes traced his lean figure, not bothering to hide the fact that she was blatantly checking him out.
"You have a bit of drool there, senpai." The twins said in a unison a smirk adorning their faces. Marianna smirked and glanced at them, "I'd drool on a lot more of him, too"
The twins choked and Haruhi scrunched her eyebrows before walking away. Finally clearing their throat, "We brought our mom's wide selection of recently designed swim wear, go ahead and choose one." Kaoru said, his face still red. Marianna giggled and patted his shoulder, "I was only joking, don't get all bothered. Anyway, I brought my own swimsuit, I'd rather not witness the display of strings you probably have in there."

Marianna walked into the changing room, leaving the twins behind with contemplative expressions.
It didn't take long for Marianna to put her bathing suit on, but it did take her a while to walk out for the rest of the club to see it. Marianna wasn't embarrassed by her body, she was embarrassed by what was on it. Over the past 17 years of her life, Marianna had mastered the art of hair removal but some places were too sensitive for it. Her arms and back for example. It's not an overwhelming amount of hair but it's there and noticeable. She assumed she got it from her mother's side of the family. Finally deciding to just suck it up and be confident, Marianna pulled on her cover up and opened the door, jumping back when she almost ran into a chest.
"You were taking a while." Takashi said, his eyes brimming with worry.
Marianna nodded, "Yeah, just a little insecure. I'm fine though, Takashi. Come on, let's go play." She grabbed his arm and maneuvered it over her shoulders, wrapping her arm around his waist and practically pulling him to the table Honey sat at.
"Do you need help, Honey?" Marianna asked as she watched the boy try to blow up his floaty. He shook his head, continuing to huff and puff into the tube until Mori came over with an air pump.
After the floaty was filled the trio moved over to the current pool, not paying any mind to the chaos behind them. Marianna admired Mori's swimming techniques and praised Honey when he agreed to try it on his own. Mori took a break, smacking the water out of his ear as he ruffled Marianna's still dry hair and moved over to Haruhi. Marianna kept an eye on Honey, her smile wide as she watched his gleeful expression. She ignored the twins and Tamaki in the background until she saw one of them trip. "Be careful! Someone is gonna get hurt."
She turned back to Honey, smiling at him when he waved at her. Marianna studied the water. It seemed a little lower than when they first got here. Marianna's mind acted quickly. She jumping into the pool and fought her way to Honey, cradling the boy to her chest when she finally got to him. By then, the huge wave Marianna had expected to form was already shadowing them. She barely had time to breathe before it crashed on the two of them. The force of the water sent them under but Honey's floaty managed to bring then up again. The two cried out in fear as they were swept away from the hosts.

Sugarpie Honeybunch ▪ Mori (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now