chapter 27

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I slowly opened my eyes to see nothing but the pitch black. It was so silent that I could hear a pin drop.

" Tay... Ken... ", I said out loud. But of course there were no response. Where am I ?

I stood up on my own two feet and begin looking around. I ended up seeing a small tunnel of light.

I begin walking towards it but I had stopped. Only because I saw a figure coming from it. I held up my hand over my face to block the light that kept getting bigger.

" Whatcha doing here girl ", I heard a familiar voice say. A strobe of light begin shining on me. I was able to see who it was.

" Aaron ? Is that you ?? ", I asked. He nodded which made me run over and hug him.

" It's so good to see you again ", Aaron said returning the hug. We pulled away.

" How? I thought you- "

" Died? Yeah I did. Kinda sad how I went out but that's family for you right ", he responded.

I shook my head then I looked around. " That was really hard to see. I mean even though we weren't together I still didn't want something like that to happen to you ".

" I know and I'm sorry you and Kenzo had to be around to see that. I rather take the bullet for y'all instead. Y'all mean that much to me ", Aaron said.

I hugged him again but this time I started crying silently. He kissed my forehead then hugged me back.

" I feel like I already lost my family, now my son is gonna be without his mom ", I said between sniffles.

" Keleii you're not dead.. you're just in the stage before you actually die ", Aaron explained.

" I'm not understanding ", I said as I looked around.

" It's like you're not dead but you don't know if you're gonna make it either ", he explained.

" Aaron I gotta make it. I got a son to take care of ", I told him.

" I think you are. I mean I didn't even get the chance to get to this stage. So that should mean something for you ", Aaron said.

I got sad thinking about that. Aaron didn't deserve to die like that. He didn't deserve to die at all. He was such a caring and fun spirit. All because some idiot was acting crazy and took his life. Shit, he probably took mine too.

" I must be dreaming. How is this real ? ", I asked.

Aaron shrugged his shoulders with a slight laugh. " I guess that's life ".


" We've been sitting here forever ", Keleii's moms said out loud. She's been complaining from the time she walked in to now. And it's 8 o clock in the morning.

" Hey! Can y'all give me a update on my baby ", she asked the lady at the front desk from last night.

Once I saw one of the doctors from last night come walking up I immediately stood out of my seat. I headed over to him waiting for him to talk.

" Hey I got some good news and I got some bad news ", the doctor said.

" Tell me the bad news first ", I said.

That's when Keleii's mom came walking over. She stepped beside me and looked at the doctor.

" What ? Is she ok? ", She asked.

" Well she's unconscious and isn't able to speak or move..a coma ", the doctor told me.

I hesitated then asked "  the good news ".

143 : Until the end of time ( Tay K story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя