chapter 22

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So a little update on the trial, ( Some of y'all probably don't care so y'all can skip this and read the story 😂❤️)

Anyway they didn't charge TayK for capital murder so he's not getting the death penalty.

But they still charge him for murder so he's looking at 5-99 years. But there's no way he getting 5 years, lbs. 

Oh and he plead guilty to robbing the 21 year old but not killing him.

Nobody's pov

The two escalade trucks drove quickly through the night. Everybody's mind started going everywhere as they sat there.

They were basically inside college station now. Once everyone realized it they made sure that they had everything ready.

Dre leaned up and was telling Santana the way to Phil's crib.

Mikey and Rock started practicing their aim. Of course with their guns on safety. They just wanted to make sure they're good with the aim.

Tyree was trying to calm Kayla down. She was thinking about her sister and nephew.

As for Tay, he just wanted to hurry up and find them. He blames himself for this even happening. Again. He impatiently bounced his leg up and down with a irritated look on his face.

" You sure this the street ", Santana asked.

" I'm positive bro, as many times I got my ass kicked here im sure this where the house is ", Dre replied.

" You letting niggas beat your ass out here? That's sad ", Rock said.

" Aye if five big body niggas rolled up on you and start stomping your shit out you wouldn't be able to do nothing either ", Dre replied.

" Nah you just don't know how to fight cus ", Mikey chimed in.

" You're gonna have to learn how to fight if you wanna roll with us ", Tyree said.

" Why I need to fight when I got this ", Dre said then he lifted his gun up. Everybody started to laugh.

Tay leaned back in his seat and glanced behind him making them stop laughing.

" You think you tough with that gun huh ? You ain't on shit if you can't Duke it out. Fighting is the most important thing a nigga in the game need to know how to do. That's showing people that you're a man ", Tay told them.

" My brother right, what's gonna happen if you get into a situation and you forgot your piece? ", Santana asked.

" He gon get his ass kicked again ", Mikey said then Rock laughed.

" We ain't picking on you Dre we just tryna school you ", Tay said.

" Yeah I know I got it ", Dre replied.

" I think this it y'all ", Santana said catching everybody's attention.

" Yeah that's it and his car right there so he here ", Dre said.

Everybody in the second truck started piling out before they could.

" Aight now whatever happens I love all of y'all and that's some real shit ", Tay told everybody.

" We love you too bro ", Mikey said then everyone chimed in agreeing.

" Aight let's do this ", Tay said.

All of them hopped out of the car and joined the other group of people.

" Aye y'all go around back and scope it out ", Santana told some of the guys. They quickly jogged towards the back of the house.

143 : Until the end of time ( Tay K story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang