chapter 23

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Nobody's pov

" Shit pick up the phone "

Phil yelled out while he listened to the phone dial in his ear.


" Yo "

" why you taking so fucking long to answer ", Phil questioned.

" My bad bro I was in the middle of- "

" Don't care I'm gonna need your help with something see you in five "

After Phil said that he hung up and threw his phone in the cup holder. He started to go faster then he was before.

Keleii was in the back seat holding Kenzo in her lap. She looked behind them to see Tay dodging other cars trying to keep up.

" Why don't you let us go? Ok no one will get hurt " she told Phil.

He ignored her while he steady dodging cars to loose Tay. A tracker trailer was in front of them. Phil zoomed up and  took a sharp turn in front of the tracker trailer down another street.

Phil looked in his side view mirror and saw that Tay was no longer behind him. Meaning that he lost him. Phil looked in the review mirror then he laughed at Keleii and her son crying and panicking.

" Y'all pathetic you know that right ? ", He told them.

" Why don't you just leave us alone ", Keleii screamed.

" I already told you you're mine now and you're not going nowhere ", Phil said.

" ....Maybe the kid can go ", He turned around and said.

Keleii immediately spit in his face. She would NEVER do that but in her mind he deserved it. So that's why she did it.

All Phil did was laughed and turned back around. He began zooming through the streets until he slid infront of a regular one story house. The house was at a dead end.

" Get out now "

Keleii ignored him like she always does. Phil pulled out his gun and waved it in her face.

" I said get the fuck out "

Keleii rolled her eyes before stepping out of the car with her son. As soon as Phil came around he roughly grabbed her arm and drug her in the house.

" Yo I'm here ", Phil yelled out.

Someone Keleii haven't seen in a while. Someone she thought would never betray her. Came walking down the stairs.

" What do you wan- ", Aaron asked but immediately stopped once he saw Keleii and Kenzo.

" What y'all doing here ", he asked holding a confused look on his face.

" He- "

" How the hell you know her ", Phil asked Aaron cutting Keleii off.

" She's my ex... Wait are y'all ? ", Aaron asked.

" Hell NO "

" Yes "

Keleii and Phil said at the same time. Aaron looked between them very closely.

" look I need your help ", Phil told his cousin.

" With what ", Aaron questioned.

" I need you to drive us to the airport in your car that way he won't know it's us ", Phil said.

" He ? Airport ? What are you talking about ", Aaron asked.

" Tay is after me and I need you to take us to the airport "

143 : Until the end of time ( Tay K story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz