chapter twenty

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Sorry I made this long I just wanted to get everything in as possible ❤

Nobody's POV

" Look I  told you I had shit to do "

Phil woke up to one of the many females he talks to, who was yelling at him through the phone. He sat up in his King size bed not really listening to the girl. He released a sigh of annoyance once she started crying on the other line.

" I KNOW you're cheating on me you ass so just admit it so I can be done with you "

" You knew what lifestyle I live but yet you still wanna fuck with me. Now I told you I had to handle some shit last night so why you trippin ", Phil responded to her. He actually likes the girl. More then he expresses to her. He can see himself settling down with her.

There was a knock at the door which caused Phil to look over. He turned back around to his closet. " Look I gotta go we'll talk about this later Aight ? ".

" Yeah whatever Philo ", she said calling him by his first name then she quickly hung up. (Fee-lo)

Phil threw his phone on the bed and walked over to the door. He swung it open and saw Skip, the big bodyguard standing there.

" Wassup boss you want me to wake her up ? ", Skip asked. Referring to Keleii. Phil had kept her and her son there for four months.

First it was because Sarah wanted both of them to disappear so she can get back with Tay and keep him to herself. But now Phil actually wants Keleii and Kenzo there. It was like having the family he always wanted.

He actually likes Keleii but don't know how to tell her. He's glad she hasn't tried to escape because that would kind of break his heart. In his eyes she was everything he wanted in a girlfriend.

" Yeah and tell her to get dressed up and escort her downstairs ", Phil ordered Skip. Skip nodded and walked further down the hall until he reached Keleii's room.

He banged on the bedroom door and a few seconds later she swung open the door. You can tell in her face that she's miserable being there but Skip could care less about that.

" Boss want you to get yourself together "

" You know I should kick you in the throat for waking up my son ", Keleii said ignoring what he said.

" Does it look like I care? Get dressed ", Skip told her.

" Why? I rather stay here and- "

Skip walked off in the middle of her talking. Keleii slammed the door closed and went over to her son who was looking at her.

" Ma who that ", Kenzo asked.

" Nobody important little man ", she replied. She picked him up and went into the bathroom.

" When we going home ", he asked Keleii. She grabbed his toothbrush and hers. She rinsed both off and put toothpaste on his first. She gave it to her son then she put toothpaste on hers.

" I don't know yet but soon. Once I find out how to get us out of here ", Keleii whispered to Kenzo. He nodded his head then he begin brushing his teeth.

" I miss daddy ", he said as he looked down.

Keleii stopped brushing her teeth to look at him. She felt herself getting emotional but she had to be strong for her son. " I know baby I miss him too ".

" come on let's finish our teeth Ok ? "

" Ok ", Kenzo responded.

After they got dressed Keleii was putting Kenzo's shoes on when Skip busted into the room.

143 : Until the end of time ( Tay K story)Where stories live. Discover now