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1) How did you come up with the town of Graydale?
A: I've always been more drawn to small towns. I initially wrote the first draft and back then this story was based in a big city, but it just didn't work. And then I tried a small town that already existed, didn't work either. And then this town just popped into my head and the name just felt... right.

2) Is Axel based on a real person in your life?
A: That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot. 😉

3) In the beginning of the book, no one could remember Juliet? What's the deal with that? Is that issue resolved by the end of the book?
A: As mentioned in the book, her entire female bloodline was erased by Amos. This was a domino effect. This completely crushed Juliet's existence and took away any memory anyone may have of her and any sign that she was ever an actual person. Axel could remember her, because, well... let me say this one time and one time only. Even the strongest forces on Earth could never erase her memory from his mind.

But when the love from Ax and Parker strengthened her memory, her death was avoided and Amos had to manually interfere.

Now, all things have returned to normal, for example, her locker is hers now and the memory of ever forgetting her is erased from people who saw her during that phase, such as John and his boyfriend. But Axel and co. continue to remember everything.

4) Why do you write books of this particular genre?
A: Because real life is boring 😂. Just kidding. I feel like my book contains major supernatural events that remind us life is bigger than just us. It's a good getaway from our troubles of everyday life.

5) What inspired you to write?
A: Fun fact, this isn't my first book, I have some really horrible handwritten books lying around in my room. I get bored in class and start thinking about random plots. And this one struck me too deeply.

I fell in love with the characters and thought this was a story worth writing. I actually wrote this story on paper a year ago but never had the guts to post it until a few friends encouraged me, then I threw a Hail Mary.

6) Was Nick always so horrible?
A: No. The main reason I depicted him as such a horrible person was because I wanted to show two different ways in which a person can deal with their grief.

Hunter and Nick went through the same thing and dealt with it very differently. Nick dealt with it through physically abusing his daughter. He used to be a loving and caring husband and father but felt like that part of him died with his wife.

I truly wish for him and people like him what Juliet wished for him, I hope they can deal with their demons.

7) Why did Juliet not file a case against Nick?
A: I know that is the ideal thing to do, and that is what I suggest to anyone going through this. But continuing to keep Nick in her life like that would've been bad for her mental health. She knew it was time to move on and that was her personal choice.

8) Is there a sequel?
A: This is the question I got the most and the answer is no.

Okay, I'm kidding, I have so much more of the story to tell, you have no idea. A sequel is already in the works. But I have no idea when I'll be posting it. It could be tomorrow or next month🤷.

Let me know how soon you really want it.😉

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