Chapter 2: Evergreen Enemy Eyes

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I'd explain to you why I'm walking towards school right now. Except I can't because I'm not aware of the reason myself. It's almost as though at this point I'm just following my instincts.

But the thing is, I always thought my instincts would lead me away from school, not towards it.

Huh. Guess I really am going nuts.

I reach the premises to see my brother's blue jeep, parked in it's usual spot.

I see a few of my teachers standing and talking, probably making fun of us. As much as I hate to admit it, I got along well with teachers from the very beginning. Maybe because I spent my lunch time in classrooms away from my bullies and so they thought I was some sincere student.

Yeah, right.

I greet them and they just ask me who I am. Please let this be a nightmare, I don't know how to deal with this.

I enter the hallway of Graydale High to proceed towards my locker. I don't open it. Why? Because two boys stood there making out against it.

"Um, excuse me?" I politely interrupt. Or at least as polite as I could be in this situation.

They don't respond. So, I clear my throat.

Still no response.

"Listen," the anger in my voice was now evident. "Could you please.... conduct your activities elsewhere and not against my locker? Maybe try using your own locker. Pretty sure it'll have the same... feel." I tread, choosing my words carefully.

Irritatedly, one of the very civilized men responds, glancing at me as of he'd never seen me before. But I recognized him. He was John, my former chemistry lab partner.

"Look, you little- never mind, can you just leave us alone? This IS my boyfriend's locker!" John yells and returns to his previous activities involving his tongue.

"Umm I think you have the wrong locker, John. This is mine," I drawl, shoving them aside with all force my tiny body could provide.

I try my locker combination and it doesn't work. Huh, that's weird. I'm starting to think this isn't just some weird Netflix-induced nightmare, because everything feels so tangible, real and earthly.

"Who are you anyways? Do you go to this school?" John's boyfriend asks angrily.

And then something inside me just snapped. This was real. Unfortunately, it really was. I was gone. I was alone. And I had absolutely no idea what was happening.

Now, I just feel sick. I sprint towards the nearest bathroom as I collide into a tall, leanly muscular figure.

"Ouch! Juliet! For a tiny little thing, you sure hurt," he said in a rather harsh tone.

Oh great, just great! Maybe if I pour water over his stupidly handsome face, he'll melt.

I laugh at the visualization of that.

Wait! Wait! Wait!

Did he just-

"You remember me?!" I practically yell out of happiness, clutching onto my journal.

"Considering you've lived next to me for the entirety of my life and your brother is my best friend, it would be rather disturbing if I didn't." He says.

For a second I just stare at his green eyes out of shock, as he reciprocates, giving me a you're-weirder-than-usual-today look.

Then I hug him tight. I didn't even know I possessed that much strength. At least, not without coffee.

For a second, he was frozen from the surprise. I get it, I hadn't hugged him since the day my mom passed away.

He proceeds to awkwardly pat my back.

"Umm, there, there," he drawls.

"You have to help me," I say hastily, my voice sounding more insecure and hoarse than I anticipated, "No one remembers me, even Parker doesn't know who I am, you have to help me."

As I lean into him, I feel his arms tighten around my waist.

"Why don't you just... tell me what's happening?" he treads cautiously.

I look up at him, and maybe it's my imagination but I see him. But this isn't him, he's gone. He wants nothing to do with me.

These same green eyes stared at me years ago telling me he didn't want anything to do with me. He's not the same person anymore.

However, he is the only one who seems to remember me. Why him, out of all people?

I pull him by the arm, dragging him out.

"Not here," I say pulling him out of the building.

He halts in his tracks giving me a sly smile.

"I'll go with you on one condition." he says, miserably failing to hide his smile.

"What is it?" I ask slowly.

"I haven't heard you say my name in years..." he starts.

"So?" I ask. Where is he going with this?

"So say it," he chirps.

"It wouldn't make any difference," I try to reason with him. Truth be told, I just didn't want to say it.

"It would make all the difference to me," he murmurs.

"No," I say sternly.

"Then, I guess I'm not helping," he smiles knowingly starting to walk away.

"Oh, come on!" I whine.

He turns around, oh, would he stop grinning like an idiot?!

"Say it!" he teases, egging me on.

I sigh, staring into his eyes wasn't helping.

"Axel," I say softly and the way he smiles in relief makes me believe that for a second, all is right in the world.

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