Chapter 19: Nothing As Deadly As His Farts

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"Arnie!" the man I injured reprimands, as he rips the trunk of Mason's car so casually that you might think he was getting a manicure.

So Tomato Face's name is Arnie?

"Are we going to banter? Or are we going to play?" the third man asked, who I'm going to randomly name Broccoli, with a posh British accent.

"Let's see, how deadly the great Mason is," the previously injured man, whose necklace said Lloyd said in a bored tone.

So I guess his name is Lloyd, if it isn't then he really should change his accessories.

"I mean, it would be nothing as deadly as his farts!" Mason exclaims, pinching his nose shut, causing his pitch to sound much higher than it really is.


"Oh for heaven's sake, you've never farted?" Arnie asks, slightly pale.

"Even my farts are gold," Mason gloats. But I doubt, I really doubt his statement.

Then I hear an ominous crack and Mason flinches in the slightest.

"Less talk more play," Broccoli instructs sternly.

"And you just had to snap my wrist to get your point across?" Mason asks at ease.

He just got his hand broken?! What the hell?! Wasn't he in pain?! Wait, no. Of course he wasn't, he was used to it, he told me such injuries don't hurt much, unlike injuries caused by metal.

And then all hell broke loose.

Mason ducks just as Broccoli attempts to stab him with a Clinen dagger and Broccoli ends up hurting Arnie. Mason punches the initiator square in the jaw causing Broccoli to drop the dagger. He even grabs a fistful of Broccoli's hair and bashes his head against that of an injured and dazed Arnie.

Lloyd literally pounces on me causing me to fall on the floor. He grabs a brick and almost cracks my skull with it, but I move my head just in time. I grab a rock and hit him on the head with all the strength I can muster, his focus is diverted for only a second and he seems barely fazed.

Lloyd wraps his freakishly long palm around my neck as he towers over me. I struggle under him and I lose sense of my surroundings but I could still make out the clash of weapons from where Mason was fighting.

My vision was starting to blur, my body starting to feel numb. I felt nauseous and disconnected from my body at the same time.

I slam my knee against his area and get the reaction I hoped for. He falls next to me, groaning in pain. Mason and I share a look and very quickly I grab Lloyd's gun and toss it to my friend who shoots the dazed duo he was fighting on the leg.

I grab the clinen dagger from my pocket and run a gash against Lloyd's thigh and run towards Mason. By the time I've covered the short distance, I see a blue rift in the middle of the air that Arnie was running to, Lloyd hot on his trail. They jump through the rift, quite literally disappearing into thin air.

My friend grabs a barely conscious Broccoli by the hair and says something in his ear.

"You tell Amos to grow a pair and come see us himself. If he's going to be all talk and no play, that'd be quite a shame. Tell him to stop sending us his minions, or I'll personally drag your dead bodies to him," Mason says letting Broccoli go, who frantically runs to the blue rift which shuts once Broccoli enters.

The air suddenly grows still invoking uncomfort throughout. I let out a breath.

"Oh God, J! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? Did he hurt you? I'm gonna kill that bastard!" Mason yells engulfing me in his arms, raising me a few feet in the air.

"I'm fine, what about you?" I ask, hastily getting on my feet and checking for any bruises on him.

He looks at me in what I can only assume is shock.

"You're worried about me? A Clite with superhuman strength? Odd, considering the trauma you've suffered from in the past 48 hours and the fact that you single-handedly fought a Henchman?" he shakes my shoulders.

I shrug in response. I'll ask what a Henchman is later. My brain can't take anything right now.

"Idiot," he ruffles my hair, the ghost of a smile playing on the edge of his lips.

With Mason and Max I get the feeling I've never gotten before. The feeling of having a guardian. Park and I have always been the same age and my father hasn't been around much.

With them, I feel like I have a family, which is crazy considering I met them 48 hours ago. But not so crazy considering they bought me my first bicycle.

Guess I finally have annoying big brothers. With that thought I happily fall into his arms again.

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