Somebody Else (Finn Balor One-shot)

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Summary- (Part 2)Its been months after the readers heart has been broken by Finn,their relationship slowly falling apart. But after seeing her after months apart,Finn realizes his feelings for her.

It felt like a lots of rain for a while. And I don't mean just outside, I mean, everything was just very gloomy and dark. I remember there were a lot of tears and not just regular tears.. there was sitting on the bathroom floor tears, breaking down at our favorite hangout places tears, crying in the shower tears, and having a panic attack the first time seeing him with her since the incident tears. Just a lot of tears. It was the type of pain that I always felt, it was just always there. My heart just felt so damn empty all the time.

Everything hurt more without Finn for some reason and I couldn't stand the intensity of my feelings and the lack of knowing his... I just couldn't believe how one-sided things could be. I've been trying to distract myself from all this pain, but it always comes back to Him. I will never not wish that things could have worked out between us. I wish we could have been more, I so badly wished things could have been different with us. But they weren't, and I had to wake up every morning knowing that.

But what hurt the most worst was how easily I hid the pain. For a while,all I could do was smile and instill myself with fake confidence as I performed shows and dealt with my fellow workers. And the pain in my chest burned deeply as I forced my happiness when I saw Finn,and he told me all about her. It was slowly tearing me apart,as the more I hid my pain and feelings,the more I felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Thankfully I had Velveteen to help me,as he was the only person who knew about the situation. He was probably the only person that I had left to help me get through the heartache. He helped me through my breakdowns and waves of jealousy as my relationship with Finn slowly decayed as time passed. Once their relationship got more serious and the whole roaster caught on to Finn and his new lover,I became invisible to Finn and finally had the last straw.

Luckily for me,Hunter had an idea to send me over the smackdown to help boast the ratings and put me in the title picture. I took the offer in a heartbeat and didn't regret my decisions at all. For the next month or so, I completely put anything dealing with Finn to the side and focused solely on my Career.

"1...2...3..."The crowd chanted along with the referee as I pinned Carmella,picking up the win in the match as she fell to a quick round-house kick. I smirked as the ref handed me my title,and I stood proudly gesturing to the crowd. I climbed on the ropes and embraced the satisfaction of the pop I was getting,as I once again retained the title,keeping my reign alive for another night.

As I walked backstage,I could only smile from the praise I received from a few superstars and the adrenaline in my vibes as I held the title with pride. However, my smile only dropped as I saw him. My heart instantly fell, and the pain came slowly,creeping it way through my body as I watched him casually chat with a few other superstars. As his eyes meet mine, I couldn't help but freeze then and there,as the wave of sadness came rushing back.

"Excuse me, beautiful...."A husky voice teased as they brushed past my frozen figure. As I took my eyes off Finn,my attention fell on Baron as he touched my shoulder gently,with a concerned look on his face,as he walked back towards me. I shot him a tiny smirk, rolling my eyes at his comment. "You doing alright... you seem a little upset?"

"I-I'm fine. Sorry, just thinking that's all."I mentioned brushing off Baron's comment as my attention with back towards Finn,as his glance matches mine. "I think I just need to relax and take a break,you know." I muttered, turning back to Baron as the look of concern never left his face.

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