A moment too late(Seth Rollins One-Shot)

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Summary-Seth and the Reader have been separated for a while now. But now that the reader has moved on and is much happier without Seth,Seth realizes his still has feelings for them but its too late. Requested Smolbean2017

      Seth sighed leaning against the wall watching you from afar. You just came back from a matchup and walked down the hall proudly with the championship. However your face instantly lit up as you ran into the Arms of your new lover. Seth couldn't help but feel a pit of jealously,as he watched you embrace the guy.

Seth and You ended things almost 4 and half months ago,which caused alot of drama and rumours among the universe and the roaster. The breakup wasn't the best,and Seth still regrets it till this day.As much as he hated to admit it,he knew he lost and fucked up a great relationship,it was hurting him seeing you with another. He watched as the guy wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead earning a giggle from you. Seth's heart instantly dropped at that moment. He held back tears as he breathing became more intense and he quickly walked away before he did something he'll regret.

   "Seth...is everything alright man?"Roman asked as Seth leaned down against the floor. His eyes were felt with tears as his breathing got heavy,only looking straight ahead. He shook his head slowly,feeling ashamed and embarrassed as he hit an all time low.

"Talk to me man.I know somethings bothering you"Roman said feeling empathy for his friend. Seth sighed deeply,looking up at his friend. He shook his head internally fighting his conflicted emotions.

  "I-I.."Seth said inbetween tears to upset to even finish the sentence. Roman gave him a look of concern as Seth was slowly breaking down. Seth gathered himself together knowing he needed to talk it out. "I'm confused man. I'm fucking conflicted alright. Its just I can't anymore,I can't take it."

"Take what Seth? Whats confusing you dude?"

"Y/n. Well my feelings towards her. It's just,Part of me wants to be happy for her. Happy she found someone else, and she's as happy as can be. But another part of me just feels a pit of jealousy and emptiness. Jealous of how happy she looks with someone else,whose not me. I feel like that should be me holding her and giving her the love she deserves but i'm not. I'm here instead hiding my feelings from her. The feelings I should've shown her before we ended things"Seth muttered putting his face into his knees. Roman nodded fonally understandings why his buddy was in a upsetting stated.

  "Then tell her."Roman suggested earning a frown from Seth. Seth laughed slightly thinking Roman was joking but soon realized how serious roman was being.

  "W-hat? Why would I do that?"

"Trust me man. Just talk to her. You'll feel much better once you do even if it
Doesn't end the way your hoping it will. "Roman suggested lifting his friend up and patting him on the shoulder. Seth nodded understanding Roman was right before walking out to find you. Luckily you were heading down the hall at that very moment with your lover no where in sight. Seth quickly regain confidence and smiled walking up towards you. He silently cursed himself for doing this but knew it was necessary.

  "Oh Hey Y/n."He said softly earning a smile from you. His heart began to beat faster as its been while since he actually talked to you and a very long time since he saw a genuine smile from. He tried his hardest to hold back a blush.

   "Hey Seth. Haven't seen you around despite us working together. Busy like always?" You asked staring into his eyes. For a moment his heart stopped as he didn't know what to do at this point. He swallows thickly trying to find the right words to say,turning his glance towards the floor and smirked slyly.

  "Eh yeah I guess you can say I have. I'm mean since the only things I've been doing is crossfit and going after titles."He replied placing his hands into his pockets and leaning back against the wall. "But anyways how have you been doing."

"Oh I'm doing great,seeing im the current champion and been having alot of meet and greets with the fans. So you know the typical things we do as superstars."

"Yup,all the fun but tiring things we do as superstars. Anyways hows life besides wrestling. Any new guys or stuff?"Seth hinted trying to continue the conversation. Your face instantly grew red and you couldn't help but grin looking down at your feet.

"Actually life's been amazing. And I have meet someone new. We've been together for A month now."You gushed looking down at your feet. Seth's heart dropped a little hearing you say those words but a soft smile arised on his face seeing you happy again.  As you looked up your smile slowly disappeared as you stared into his eyes. You knew he was holding something back. "Hey,What's wrong?"

"Nothing,it's nothing."He lied trying to hide the jealousy and sadness he was feeling. He gave you a fake smile,but you knew better than to trust that smile. You knew Seth too well,and can read him like it was nothing. You shook your head,leaning back on your feet and staring him down.

  "Seth,I can tell your hiding something. I'm not dumb so go ahead and spit it out. We are mature adults now,so let's talk it out like adults."

"For fucks sakes..."He muttered softly so you couldn't hear avoiding your glance. He took a deep breath before looking back into your eyes. He felt his heart beat faster as your patient eyes observed his figure. He was at a lost of words,silently cursing himself for letting you walk out his life. It was at the moment he began to appreciate your caring personality,and the patience you possessed,your beauty that only seemed to radiate more and more with your confindence.He sighed deeply knowing he'll have to tell you sooner or later.

  "I...You know I'm sorry y/n. I'm sorry for not giving you the love and affection you deserved when I has the chance,and I know you probably dont wanna hear it but I shouldn't have let those things happen ans taken you for granted. And I'm not saying that because I'm trying to ruin your happiness,I'm just trying to say I'm happy for you and that your at the point of your life where everything is going as expected. But most importantly I just wanted to apologize for wasting your time and leading you on."He spoked softly choking on his words a bit. He looked down holding back tears as he expected you to walk off or cut him off by now,but instead you smiled. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly placing your head into his chest. His breathing slowed as his arms wrapped around your torso.

  "Seth its okay. It was for our own good. It was bound to happen eventually."You softly replied as his arms tighten around you. You smiled knowing that if you heard this a few months ago you would have tooken him back in a heartbeat. But today was too late,and now all you can do smile and move on with life.  You looked up and smiled at him softly, Before pulling back but his embrace was still tight around your torso."Seth you know you have to let go right?"

"I know,it's just that I know of I let go now,I'm letting you go for good this time. And I don't think I can handle that without doing this first."He muttered softly into your neck. He looked down at your lips and smiled slightly before saying a small "I love you Y/n.". You smiled softly,ready to reply but before you could,you instantly closed your eyes in shock as his lips were soon against yours. Your emotions ran wild as part of you knew it was wrong and that you shouldn't be kissing him right now,but the other part of you secretly overwhelmed with joy wanted to be in his arms forever and kiss him like this again and again. But you knew it was wrong and savored the moment while it last. Your hands wrapped around his neck slowly as the kiss became more intense and passionate. It seemed as if time froze and everything was perfect at that exact moment. But after a minute or so,when you both realized you guys shouldnt be doing this,you pulled back in unison shock by one anothers actions,hands intertwined with one another. You each admired each another softly knowing this was the last and final  intimate moment you guys would have for the long run.

"I love you too Seth,"You shyly mouthed backing away from him confused on your feelings. He smiled finally hearing the words he was longing to hear for the last few months. He held your hand looking into your eyes nodding Before letting you go for a final time. You shot him a shy yet confused smile as you excused yourself to find your new lover,but he felt your glance as you still walked off. He turned and caught your glance before walking back to his lockeroom still smiling. He knew deep down as long as you still loved him,nothing else mattered.

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