Baby Fever (Jeff Hardy ♡ Reader)

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Imagine- Jeff watching Matt and Reby's daughter, and has no idea what to do. So he calls up his girlfriend and she has to 'baby ' both of them. And it gives jeff baby fever. But what he doesn't know is the reader is pregnant

Jeff's pov -

"Listen Matt, I got this under control. I'm pretty sure I know how to take care of a 2 year old. Now you guys take a break and go out for dinner and rent a hotel. If I need anything I'll call you guys, " I said as I pushed my brother and sister-in-law out the door. I turned to see my niece Abby, looking at me.  I giggled as I picked her up.

"Please tell me you didn't paint your face pink? "I yelled as I seen my niece covered in pink paint. It's been only 45 minutes and things are already going downhill. I took my eyes off her for 2 minutes to text y/n and this happens.  I can't call Matt or Reby or they will never trust me again. I decided to call y/n for backup.

Your pov-

I answered my boyfriend Jeff's call, as I played Assassin's Creed syndicate. His voice sound chaotic and worried. He was asking for me to help him watch little Abby. I laughed.

"Jeff, I bet Jacob Frye knows how to watch a kid,.... But okay I'll be right over. " I joked knowing he hates when I get into fandoms. I put on a sweater and got into my car. I can see why he needs my aid. I mean growing up with 2 younger siblings, I kinda became like their 3rd parent. I pulled up to Matt's house and sighed. I knocked on the door and was immediately kissed by a panting jeff. Usually I would melt, but I pushed him back, causing him to give me a Offended face.

"Hey Abby girl, Auntie Y/n is here to see you. Wanna play a game with me? "You said as you cleaned her face. Jeff just leaned back and chuckled as he watch the moment. I picked Abby up and went to the living room.

"They game is the floor is lava. And if you touch the floor you died okay? "I said as she nodded. Jeff huffed as he said that's childish but when I counted down and she jumped onto the couch with me and looked so confused.

"Awwe Abby, jeff died, " I said as she cried. Jeff gave me a worried expression. I sighed as I grabbed his hands and look him in the eyes. " uncle J-jeff i-is dead? "Abby sobbed. He looked over at the crying toddler and looked down. I had enough of how Jeff was acting

"Jeff, if you want Matt to trust you, you gotta be a man and learn to at least try. Now go talk to her Jeff, "I said as I kissed his cheek. I know giving him affection always makes him feel confident in himself. He walked over to Abby and hugged her. He said he was just pretending. Soon she smiled again and hugged him. He held her up in the air and kissed her forehead. I couldn't help but blush seeing how jeff quickly learned how to deal with a crying toddler. I slowly started to think about how he could treat our kids, if we had any together.

"Uh y/n, Could you help me cook her something with no peanuts. Reby say she can't eat peanuts without swollen up around her cheeks. "Jeff pleaded as he help a hungry toddler. I laughed and asked Abby does she like Mac-and-cheese.

"YUM-YUM, " She replied as I grabbed some from the counter. Soon as I was done with the food, I gave it to Abby. But I caught Jeff glancing over at me with a pouty face. He leaned over the counter and looked at me.

"What is it Jeff? "I said as I gave Abby some punch.
"I'm hungry also. "He pouted like a 5 year old who wasn't getting attention. I laughed as I looked over at him still pouting. I raised an eyebrow up at him before replying.

"Make your own food jeff. "I hissed as he walked over to me. He pinned me on the counter and kissed my neck. "I can't cook for a toddler, what makes you think I can cook for myself? " He said looking over at Abby whom was in her own world. I chuckled as I pushed him off.

"Oh well then, jeffery boy! " I replied as I cleaned up Abby's stuff and carried her upstairs.


"Uncle Jeff, I'm scared, " Abby said as he tucked her into her bed. He sighed as he turned on the lamp beside her bed and sat next to her. He made sure not to put to much pressure on her body, knowing he could crush the poor girl. I watched as Jeff told her a story about a princess. She soon fell face asleep as he kissed her forehead. He watched over her as she slept and I could tell he was getting Baby fever.

As I sat on the couch and checked YouTube for new videos, I felt Jeff's breathe on my neck. He held my waist and chuckled. He pulled me onto his lap and sat his head on the crook of my neck.

"Y/n if I told you that I wanna marry you soon and have kids with you. Would you accept my offer? " Jeff asked still in the Baby fever phrase. I chuckled as I rubbed his hand.

"Of course I would jeff. Any girl would except that offer. But with you being in WWE again it's kinda hard to have a family and wrestle. And I don't want kids to stop you from your dream. And why do you wanna ask me that question"You said as you looked down. He snuggled more into my neck before responding

"I seen the why Abby eyes light up, as you obviously we're firm but fun with her. The way you are so good with kids made me wonder how our kids could be. And when you made me feel confident around her. And as I tucked her in, All I saw was our Brave boy. Our precious daughter. And My heart just melted. I want yo have kids with you. I want to marry you. Only you y/n. I want a kid so badly y/n" Jeff pleaded as he rubbed your belly implying how bad he really wants one. I chuckled as I knew I had to tell him.

"Jeff, I went to the store with Matt 2 months ago to get a test. And it was positive. I went to the doctor he said it's positive. Jeffery I'm pregnant with your kid, " I admitted to Jeff. His eyes lit up as he lifted my shirt up. He saw a tiny bump growing and he kissed me.

"I'm going to be a Daddy! "He said as he kissed your stomach. He's reaction was priceless as he kept kissing your stomach and then looking into your eyes.

I'm back. Yep it's me Simplymyself. And I fell in love with jeff Hardy. And gawd it's been nice writing this part. Anyways hope you enjoy and Goodbye.

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