Somebody Else (Finn Balor One-Shot)

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Summary-The reader falling in love with Finn,but he's falling in love with someone else. Inspiration from the song Somebody else by 1975. Inspired by the lines"I don't want your body
But I hate to think about you with somebody else/Our love has gone cold, You're intertwining your soul with somebody else."

   I couldn't help but smile brightly,listening to the crowd go crazy as Becky and I walked up the ramp,gesturing to them after our win over Sasha and Bayley. As we reached the backstage curtain we nodded to the superstarz who watched the match and to a few of the staff members.

  "Nice work out there Y/n,you really get the crowd going. I love working with ya'."Becky finally said holding her title and nudging me softly. I giggled only nodding in response to my friend.

  "Trust me,Its a great honor working with the Man herself. I've only been on the main roster for a year, and I'm still starstruck working with people like you. Can't wait to take your title."I teased earning a laugh from Becky. She hugged me tightly,releasing only as she saw Seth walk towards us.

  "Honestly Y/n,wouldn't want my title to go to anyone else but you."She praised walking over to Seth,as he congratulated her on the match,as she embraced the man. I smiled walking away to my lockeroom to get changed.

  "Hey Y/n."A familiar voice spoke,causing me to freeze as I felt their muscular arms embrace me and place their head into the crook of my neck. Instantly I knew it was my good friend Finn as he always did this,and I could only smile,feeling my heart began to flutter. "Sorry to bother ya',just wanted to say good job out there tonight. But off to my match now." He mutter cheerfully into my neck as I nodded at him,sighing to myself wishing he knew how I felt.

  Continuing my walk to my lockeroom,I couls help but think about Finn. We were always good friends ever simce I joined NXT a few years back. But it was only recently I began seeing him from a different perspective. The moment I realized this sudden change of feelings towards him hit me like a ton of bricks. I could feel my bone slowly breaking underneath the weight surpressing my body and my heart was barricading itself up for the worst.

  After dressing and getting into a more comfortable outfit,I walked over the catering,only to be surprise to see a familiar face. I walked in to my best friend Velveteen Dream chatting away like he was the star of the show. As he saw me he instantly dropping his conversations, smirking at me. I shook my head and crossed my arms smiling at the charismatic man."Hey Baby,surprised to see me?"

   "Yes Dream. Now why on earth are you here?"I questioned taking a seat right next to him and leaning into his shoulder.

  "You know,Just came to support my girl considering she left me on NXT. How you've been doing baby."He replied as I rolled my eyes at the nickname he's given me. I laid into his lap as he stroked my sides,only sighing.

   "I've been doing okay."I muttered softly,my mind still on Finn. I looked up to see Velveteens heartfelt expression as he knew me all too well. He shook his head and continued rubbing my sides in a more comforting way,before adressing the situation.

  "Wanna go somewhere more private to talk Baby?"He questioned,only receieving a nod from me.

   "Whats on your mind?"Velveteen asked as we reached my lockerrom for a more private area to speak. I laid on to couch,sighing heavily as my mind was only clouded with thoughts of Finn. I only gave Velveteen a look,and he instantly knew what was happening. He gave me a soft smile sitting next to me and embracing my sadden figure.

    "Y/n,tell me when it started."He muttered softly,as I nodded preparing to tell my best friend about the whole situation with Finn.

  My feelings for Finn all started about 3 months ago,when a few people from   raw went to a party to blow off some stress and celebrate a few wins after the big pay-per-view. When I was invited,I knew I wasn't really up for it but Finn encourage me to come anyways. I admit I enjoyed most of the party,but when I rejected a guy who wasn't best pleased, Finn had to get involved and took me back to the hotel.

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