Princess Treatment (Finn Balor 💜 Reader)

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Summary: Receiving Roses from Finn Balor

"You're so lucky, you got one of the good ones

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"You're so lucky, you got one of the good ones. I need to beg for anything from a guy." Your friend GiGi complained to you sobbing, whiling pouring her feelings out after having one too many glasses of champagne as you laughed at her.

"Stop being so dramatic girl. GiGi, you're beautiful. You need to reject any negativity or relationship that's less than what you want." You explained, finishing another sip of your champagne before the waiter took your dirty glasses away.

"Pfft, that's easy for you to say. You're the one dating Finn Balor, you bagged Finn Balor of all people." Gigi grabbed the bottle of champagne and dwned the rest of the bottle.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Your tone dropped, raising your eyebrow at her shady comment. "Wrong way sorry. I'm too drunk to remember what I'm saying." Wiping her mouth from any excess champagne dripping down her lips.

"Mhmm, anyways who's getting the cheque? I outta make you pay.: You asked as you signaled the waiter to bring the bill to your table. Gigi looked at you with "Are you serious" eyes as she packed her things up.

"You. Mrs.Balor, Finn Balor's girl, wifey, fiancee thingy, girlfriend. You're getting the bill." You couldn't help but giggle at all the different titles she was throwing at you while grumbling about how you could even ask her about covering the bill when you forced her to come to such an expensive restaurant.

"Yeah, yeah, Fine. I was only teasing." You replied shortly while waiting for the check. As you were waiting another waiter came and placed a giant bouquet of red and white roses on your table with a note sticking out from the side.

Confusion rose to your face, as you observed the beautiful bouget placed in front of you. This was a common place for couples to meet for first dates, anniversaries, or engagements so you assumed that the waiter had gotten the wrong person "Oh, I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong person."

"Are you Mrs.Balor?" The waiter questioned, pulling the flowers from the table thinking he had mistaken you for the wrong person.

"No-" Just as you were going to clear up the confusion with your identity, Gigi had butted in turning to face the waiter as she popped a lemon cookie into her mouth. "Yes, that would be her. What do you need?"

"This is for you madam." He placed the large bouquet of flowers back onto the table right in front of you, along with the pre-paid bill. He left leaving you with a head-sized bouquet and a very drunk Gigi.

You pulled out the card that was sticking out the side and read it out, heart melting as you read each word, "100 roses for the 100 different reasons why I love you, Love Finn. Aww Gigi, he sent me flowers."

"Aww, I hope you guys are related." She smiled at you throwing the sarcastic comment in your face. Rolling your eyes you paid no mind to it knowing she was drunk and it was her sarcastic sense of humor.

"I love you too Gigi. Now come on we gotta get you home, before you try to drown yourself in the nearest fountain." As you both made your way out of the restaurant and into the parking lot you felt your phone buzz as you got an incoming Facetime call from Finn.

You picked up to see a happy Finn grinning ear to ear as he saw the bouquet of flowers resting in your hands. "Hey baby, did you get my gift?"

"Yep, I did. I love it so much, Thank you."You blew a kiss to the screen while waving the phone around to show your excitement about receiving a gift from your lovely boyfriend.

"No need to thank me love, It's all you." he threw that  cheesy line your way, which almost made Gigi throw up in your car. "Hello to you Finn, you can stop flaunting your perfect relationship now."

"Nice seeing you too Gigi." Finn  waved estatically to your friend who sat in the backseat of your mercedes Benz, curled over with a scrawl of discomfort on her face. As you started the car, you glanced in the rear view mirrors to check on your friend just to see her fast asleep.

"And She's fast alseep, babe." You signaled Finn giving him  the green light to say whatever he'd like that wasn't so appropriate with your friend still lucid and aware of your phone call.

"Did you flip the card around?" Finn inquired as you angled yout phone to face you while driving. 

"Mhmh, I did. So I must ask, can you actually make me climaz in 100 different ways?" You laughed thinking about what you had read again.

"What can I say? I'm a man of many different talents." You chuckled at his reply, squeezing your thighs together think about the 100 different possible ways he could do you.

"Already getting excited? We might as well skip to number 10 once you get home." Finn teased you once he caught onto what you were doing. "Well what's in store for number 10?" 

 "You're gonna feel so much pleasure you might faint darling."

"Alright, Alright, you'e such a tease," you replied rolling your eyes as you felt heat rise to your cheeks. "But seriously, thank you so much for the flowers. They're beautiful and I really love them."

"Anything for my girl. I just wish I could be back home with you right now." Finn said with a warm and genuine smile.

"Me too," you said, feeling a pang of longing in your chest. "But we'll see each other soon, right?"

"Definitely," Finn replied. "I'll make sure of it."

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