Jeff hardy drabble

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When Me and Jeff found out I was pregnant after trying for 8 months, It was very exciting. But for Jeff it was a The happiest day of his life. I still remember him picking me up and spinning me around, placing kisses on my stomach. And of course the whole roaster was invested to find out if I will ever get pregnant.

I know usually people wait a few weeks before explaining the news to their friends, but Jeff couldn't even keep quite.  Right after I told him the news, 2 days later the whole roaster Knew.

My husband Jeff however was in over his head. He was more protective of you, Now that your carrying a child. When he was on the road he would always check on you. When he was home he treated Me like royalty. When I laid down on the couch or the bed, he would always ask to feel or listen to the baby. And as I slept he would kiss my stomach and  forehead. As the baby bump grew more noticeable he would trail kisses down my stomach.

"I still can't believe we're having a tiny baby boy, Jeff. I mean I'm still kinda shock that I'm pregnant. "I giggled as I looked at the baby bump in the mirror.

"I know y/n. I can't wait to take him to the arena and show him around. "Jeff mused propping his self on his elbow staring at you.

"We already talked about that. We said he can meet everyone when he's 9 months old. We don't need our son to get lost so early. "You grinned touching your stomach.

"Fine, "he said rolling eyes, and hoping off the bed. He walked over towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Have I told you lately, how beautiful you are? "

"Yes, you told me everyday for the past 3 years we've been married. But you can tell me again if you want. "I teased leaning into his chest.

"You look beautiful y/n, "he mumbled kissing you neck softly. "And maybe you should put on a shirt before anyone gets here. "

"Can you hand me one of your shirts please? "I asked softly.

"Are you ever gonna stop stealing  my clothes? "

"Hey, I asked this time. Plus I'm 35 weeks pregnant with your son. So I'm allowed to at least wear anything I want that is comfortable. "I said as Jeff threw me one of his shirts.

"Babe, I'm home! "Alexa's Voiced echoed through the house, causing you to giggle. "And so are Matt, his wife and two kids. "

"We're in the upstairs dear. "You yelled back jokingly causing Jeff to roll his eyes.

"Please tell me didn't you unlocked the doors or give her key"he whined stating at you.

"I gave her two keys Jeffery. Just in case she lost one. "You said smiling walking out the room with Jeff's large shirt and knee high socks.

"Well I see you're no longer roleplaying as Charlotte, from the last time I was here, "Alexa said referring to last week you were in the kitchen eat ice cream only wearing a robe.

"Well you see Alexa, when you carry a Tiny human for 9 months it gets kinda hot and uncomfortable wearing regular clothes. " Jeff said for you "And plus you spend to much time at our house. "

"Maybe you shouldn't have taken my best friend away from me, "Alexa smirked.

"Where do we put this? "Matt said walking in with a box in hand, as his two boys followed behind him.

"To the Nursery boys, Your muscles will be need today. "You said pushing Jeff towards to nursery. " The ladies, Me and the kids will be busy eating cookies and ice cream. "You said picking up the youngest of both boys.
It was just only two weeks later,I was in the hospital ready to push this tiny human out. You felt honestly like whimp complaining about periods. At least the only last up to a week. But Contractions we're really Hell.

"Aunt Alexa is Here, "Alexa chimed in skipping into the room, as the nurse was walking out the room after checking how dialated I was. Only 5cm, I had a long time to go.

"You've clearly never watched a women been through labor Alexa."Matt rolled his eyes looking back down at his phone, texting his wife.

"Jeff, Please hold my hand. "I whined reaching out for his hand again. He walked closer beside me and held my hand tightly. He handed you another ice chip to help you relax a bit.

"What's that? "Alexa asked happily, like a curious child.

"Ice, "I replied "it's actually kinda good. "

"Can I have one? "She pleaded reaching into the cup to grab some. I instantly slapped her hand away causing her to help out.

"NO! It's the only thing I can potentially eat for many hours while give birth to a child. "I redirected,  causing her to mutter rude very loudly.

As I felt another contraction coming, I squeezed Jeff's hand tightly while  crying out in pin. shocking Matt a bit. Alexa sighed "Stop being Dramatic. "

"Jeff now would be a lovely time to make her shut up. "I hissed at Jeff. He smiled brightly as if he was waiting for this moment.

"This would be a wonderful time to shut up Alexa, if you don't mind. " Jeff said to Alexa.

"I'm going to take her elsewhere, we'll be back"Matt said walking out with Alexa.

"Good idea"Jeff mouthed back as I squeezed his hand again feeling another contraction.

"You look beautiful as always. "He whispered softly, making me relax again.

"This Boy better be worth all this pain. "I cried out as another contraction happened.

"He will y/n, He will. "Kissing your head preparing for the hours of streaming and hand squeezing to come

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