Promises (Finn Balor ♥ Reader)

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Imagine-Finn leaving reader  in Japan for WWE but promises he will wait for the reader

   It was a typical night in Japan. You were just waiting for your boyfriend Fergal to return from the show. You happily texted your brother okada, until you watched the mail fall through the mail slot of the door.

As you went through the mail, your stomach instantly fell. It was a letter from NXT. As much as you wanted to think it was a joke, you couldn't help but feel betrayed by Fergal. He promised he wouldn't leave NJPW/RoH to got to NXT and WWE. He promised he wouldn't even go tryout or even apply. You felt angry and foolish for even believing him.

Just at the knick of time, He walked in smiling and cheerful. He walked up behind you and planted kisses down your neck. Any other night you would smile and blush.Maybe even return the favor.  But tonight was very different. You wanted to punch him in his handsome face. Wanted to put all  your anger towards him. But instead you pushed him away and dropped the letter.You walked up the stairs and didn't even look back. 

"Y/n, what's w-" His Irish accent echoed through the house with concern. He paused as he picked up the letter and stopped. Part of him wanted to be Happy and instantly start packing. But the other part knew he lied, and messed up a great relationship. He quickly walked up the stairs following behind you.

"How could you do this Fergal, after. We talked about this? "

"I'm sorry love, but I didn't want to let the opportunity pass by me. I know we said we'll see but, " He slowly said avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"But what? You went without my acknowledgment. Because I would have felt better if you did that first. " I said raising my voice a little. Now I was really furious. He nodded his head and walked cautiously towards me.

"I thought you would be upset if I told ya before I did it. Plus it was only 3 months ago love. "

"Will you please stop being a narcissistic ass and for once, See how hard this is for me Fergal. You have been lying for the past 3 months thinking it was okay? " I growled clenching my teeth together. Now Fergal really caused some bigger mess.

"Do you even really care, Y/n. It's not that big of a deal anyways. "

"How can you say I don't care? I've been through hell and back proving time, and time again for you. I have fought for your trust, you and for my sake. And you say I don't care?

"I've spent the last 5 years accepting my love for you. 5 years Trying to build a strong relationship for us. And do you really believe I wanted to waste those 5 years just to leave and start another life? " He hesitantly asked holding back tears. I can hear it in his voice. He was trying to be dominant but was slowly breaking down.

"I don't know Finn. Why can't you understand that her in Japan I'm following my dreams. And my best friend and family is here. "

"And I though starting a life together  was the dream. Us leaving Japan and going to America to wrestle together. But I guess it was only mine. " He yelled. I startled back a bit,  Never really hearing him yell like this towards me.

"Leave." I said bluntly closing my eyes. I held my head down and let the tears fall.

"No, please don't do tis' to me love. I thought ya' said ya' love me. I don't want to see you cry. " He said embracing me, trying his hardest to make things right. His Irish voice was now softer as he seen he did truly hurt me.

"I do, but just go away.  If you truly want to go and live your dream in WWE so be it. I'll still be supporting you but not with you. " I muffled into his shirt, as he held me tightly.

"Fine.But I want you to know I still will always love you. Even if I doesn't seem like I do. And If you ever decide the time is right, I'll be waiting for you. You'll know where to find me. I promise I'll still be waiting for ya " He muttered wiping the tears from my face. He pecked my check gently, knowing it could be a while before I'm truly ready to go.


"Y/n, I'm so glad to have you here in NXT with me. "Kairi Sane, my best friend said nudging me in the shoulder. I smiled as she got into the ring.

" Me too. I mean I know my wrestling career may be over due to my injury but I can't not train my best friend. "I sighed pointing out my shoulder. She shrugged and sat on the rope.

" Hey, have you noticed that dude been staring at you all week? "She whispered nudging he head towards a familiar lass. His back was towards us but I caught his glance multiple times.

" Yeah, it's kinda strange. He reminds me of Fergal a lot though. "I reminisce out loud. She smiled and jumped off the rope.

" Maybe, it is him. I mean he does work here after all. "I shrugged doubting that fact may be true.

" Fair enough. But even if it is him I'm not just going to walk up and act like nothing happened. "I responding stepping out the ring. " Anyways I'm tired out. See you later kauri. "

As I walked out of the performance center, I felt a glance following me. I turned to see the guy staring at me with his nice blue orbs. As I caught his glance,  he grinned. He reminded me alot like Fergal but I didn't want to seem weird. As I walked out the door I heard a familiar Irish accent call for me.

"Y/n? Really no hugs, or greeting love? " The guy said leaning against a wall. I gave a confused glance before he continued "It's me Fergal. Fergal devitt. Well I go by Finn Balor now.  "

I smiled still unsure. He looked a little different from when we last saw of each other. I was still in awe but on instinct ran into his arms. He pulled me into his grip and chuckled.

"It's been 3 years Love. I was really thinking ya would forget about me" He grunted hugging me tighter. I smiled into his chest and felt tears slowly falling again.

"It's okay. I promised ya' I wouldn't forget ya. Plus I see you've gotten my gifts. " He muttered into my neck before setting my down and admiring a necklace I received back on Japan. It had our Initials on the outside and something inside that I never really looked at.

"Yeah, I did. And your letters. And your cheeky text. " I joked sitting onto a crate.

"So tell me love, why ya' finally decided to come and leave Japan? " He questioned. I sighed and looked down.

"About 3 months ago in a match, I injured this shoulder. And doctors said it also took a toll on my neck. They don't want me in the ring for at least a year. So when kauri came to NXT after Mae Young classic, she offered that I help train her. " I explain showing him the strap around my shoulder more clearly. His eyes instantly filled with worry and sadness but his expression stayed the same.


I nodded, as I looked at the necklace once more. I slowly let tears fall remembering how I told him to leave. I still regret it up to this day. He must've read my expression because he popped open the necklace and smiled.

"What's is t-this. I never really O-opened the necklace before. " I stammered looking inside to see a picture of us. He grinned and flipped it over to show me a message he left on the back.

If you ever feel guilty or having a bad day, you know where to find me

                         Love Finn (Aka Fergal)

I smiled and looked back into his blue orbs. He pecked my forehead and wiped the tears once more. 

"I promised I wouldn't forget ya' and I'm a man of my word. I'm just want to try this again together. " He whispered planting kisses onto my neck like old times. I grinned as he facial hair tickled my neck. I nodded as he placed a hand on my shoulder gently and lifted me into him. He smiled brightly and tighten his grip.

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