🖤Adam Cole drabble💛

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  Imagine winning the NXT women's title,and your dad Shawn Micheal's is there to surprise you,but you end up surprising Adam.

   As I walked backstage with the title around my waist,I couldn't help but beam with happiness and pride. I just left a intense match-up against Shayna,and honestly didn't think I'd win the title until she tapped to my inverted figure 4 lock.

I grinned as I walked around the halls listening to the compliemts and congrats I was receieving from my fellow co-workers and friends

"Congrats Y/n, You deserved the win"
"Way to go Y/n."
"You did great out there"

"Welcome to the Champion Club love"My good friend Kyle said as he hugged me tightly as Bobby and Rodricked trailed behind him. I smiled seeing my friends here to support me

"Thanks Kyle.I appreciate joining the with you guys. But I dont feel like a champion fully yet. To be honest I was quite nervous out there"I said regaining holding the championship around my waist and admitting my true feelings to the guys

"Really? It's hard to believe you of all people nervous of a championship match. Anyways though congrats,I bet  Adam is super proud of you." Rodrick reassured,leaning against the wall. I smiled before feeling a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked up to see no other than Adam who stared directly at his teammates.

  "You're right. I am proud of my girl for winning the title. And if you excuse us,we gotta go celebrate." He smirked before dragging me away from our friends. I waved goodbye to them as Adam lead me down another hallway. Soon we came to a stop as he found somewhere more private for us to talk. I blushed and giggled as playfully picked me up and took me to the usual crate area and admired my beauty and new belt.

  "Now look at you,The new NXT Women's Champ. I think the title looks great on you if I do Say so myself."he acknowledged before trailing kissed down my neck. I giggled pushing him off of me.

"Why thank you Adam."I blushed as he still had his full attention on my neck,slowly marking his territory "But I still don't feel right with the belt,ya know. Its like I worked so hard for this moment and put my blood,sweat and tears into this day and tnis moment. But now that I got it,its like now what? Its like what do I have to work for now? The main roaster? I mean I'm just now adjusting to NXT after 9 months and..." I rambled like I usually do when I'm unsure about things. Adam kisses me deeply and passionately,taking my mind off the uncertainty and focusing on him right now.

"Listen,BayBay I know that feeling,I had it the first few times I started wrestling and win championships in the Indies. But you just gotta look at it's more of a milestone than an ending."Adam reassured holding my hand and rubbing it,as he looked into my eyes with his pretty blue orbs. I nodded and leaned forward to kiss him but was interupted by one of the crew memeber calling me for social media photoshoot and a quick interview,followed up by a chat with Hunter. I sighed as I looked at Adam,seeing the understandment in his eyes as he moved to allow me to leave.


   As I proudly walked into Hunters Office My face quickly lit up as I saw the person who inspired me to follow my dreams the most. The man who was there for me my whole life through thick and then. It was my father,The heartbreak kid, Shawn Michaels. He chatting with his old friend Hunter about my match. I stood there smiling as Hunter soon realized my presence and they both turned towards me.

"Well if it isn't the girl of the hour,Come on over here Y/n" Hunter smiled,motioning me towards them talking. I walked over,trying my best to maintain my emotions running through me right now. I looked up at my dad who was beaming with happiness.

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