Pickup-failures (Dean x Reader)

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Imagine-Your boyfriend Dean teasing you backstage and is slowly making you question why you love him

As you were walking with Seth and Roman around, Your boyfriend the lunatic fringe decides today would be the best day to tease you. "Hey,Y/N did it hurt when you fell outta heaven? "Dean said as him and Dolph walked up to you and the boys. You already knew this pick-up line so you bluntly did your best offended expression and said "A-are you calling me Satan Dean? ". You quickly pulled off a fake tear as you  pretended to be offended. "Y/N no, I'm was trying to call you an... Never mind I'm sorry kitten. "He said as he hugged you. You smirked at Seth and Roman as they saw what you did.

After that little incident, you decided to to take pictures with dolph in front of a mirror as Seth and Roman argued over what to eat. Dean decides to try another pick-up line on you. "So how's the cutest person in the world doing? "He said with a smirk as he kissed your neck. "I'm doing fine, thanks for asking, " I replied as I took more selfies with dolph with dean in the background. He stopped kissing me and looked at me like I was some kind of stranger. "I was talking to my reflection Y/N. But whatever, "Dean said as he touched his self, earning chuckles from the guys and  glared from me. "If looks could kill, you would be so dead right now dean. "

Soon me and the boys decided to grab snacks from catering, before Roman's Match in 30 minutes. As I grab the most sugary drink and A Kit Kat, Dean walks up behind me and pulls me closer into he waist. Causing me to do a soft grunt. "I swear dean mother fucking Ambrose I will make sure you will never make kiddos again if you say one more smart thing. "I grunted out. "Whoa there dean-o. I think Y/N is getting pissed off. "Roman said as he could tell I already had enough teasing for one night. but of course Dean didn't listen and said "Y/N did you sit on a pile of sugar ?". I escaped his grip around my waist and shot daggers from my eyes toward his face. "N-no don't you dare d-" before I can finish the sentenced  He blurted out " CUZ YOU GOT THAT SWEET ASS! " Causing Seth to laugh so hard, he spit his drink out all over Roman. "HEHE good one Dean. " I punched Seth in the stomach. The turning to Dean who was smirking, so I kicked him in the fucking crotch. He stop smirking and fell the the ground laughing in pain. I soon started to stomp on his crotch outta anger before roman picked me up and held me bridal style saying that's enough. "Yeah, Y/N that's enough. Dean may need his balls for when he's fucking you in the hotel later tonight. Maybe in the sh-" Seth was saying before I quickly jumped on top of him and kicked him in the crotch also. This caused Roman to throw my on his back and take me away before I murdered them both.

~Later by the car~
"Hey dean, wanna take a ride with me, seth and roman" I asked as I was about to get on the car. Dean opened the door and got in with me.  But of course he had to say something "You can ride me all night long if you wanted to Y/N, " earning a chuckle from Seth, an smirk from roman and causing me to say "What? " as I was shocked on his many attempts to turn me on but made me angry instead. " I said,  I could ride with you all night long. "He said pretending to never said what I know he said.

Finally at the hotel, of course roman and seth shared the room with 2 beds leaving me to sleep with Dean in the room with only One bed. I jumped onto the bed and took off my pants and shirt, As Dean walked into our room. "Horny, are ya' Y/n? " he said with a smirk as he quickly undressed. "NO dean. We are not having sex. Not with all that teasing you did to me. "I hissed earning a grunt from my lunatic fringe. He smirked once more and Said "Well since your going to bed, do you mind if I slytherin? " he said expecting me to yell at him. "WAIT, before you kill me kitten, I'm very sorry for teasing you. I was just in a playful mood. "He said kissing me neck and pouting. I just giggled causing him to look at me in confusion. "Slytherin. Hehe that was the only good one I heard tonight dean," I said as I flipped us over and kissed his neck instead. "God, I question why i love you Ambrose," i said as i played with his hair. "Maybe because I'm the only guy on the roster who can make you moan.Laugh.The only guy who can embrace you true beauty.The only guy you find attractive.The guy you wanna marry,"Dean said as he kissed me.
"Or because I love you Dean," I Said  falling asleep on top of his chest.

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