Childhood Enemies (Neville ♡ Reader)

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Summary- Everybody is curious why the reader hates Neville, and Neville trying his hardest apologize

I was almost done with my match against Sasha, as I quickly dodged her kick, and decided to do my famous backflip kick. She instantly fell on the mat as I put her in a surfboard submission causing her to tap in 4 seconds. I released her and smiled as I knew I was finally  the Number One Contender for The women's Championship belt.  I climbed on the top rope and bowed to the audience before giving the my famous Your dead gesture.

As I walked into the backstage area, I was instantly bombarded by Finn who happily lifted me right off my feet. "Great job out there Y/n. "He muttered into my belly causing me to giggle a bit.

As I saw Nia, Luke and Karl approach I managed to flip over Finn's body and land happily onto my foot. "Sup guys, how can I help you today? "

"Dean is having a party at the bar tomorrow night, and wanted us to personally invite you. "Nia said handing me my phone from the women's locker room. I smiled and saw the text from Dean saying congratulations.

"I think I could go out for a drink tomorrow. I'll text him my response. Anyways I'll see you guys later okay. I gotta change into something more comfy. "I said walking away from my friends.

"Better see you at catering... Or else" Karl yelled at you as you turned the corner. "Only if I'm not sneaking out the arena"

As I walked down the hall alone, replying to Dean's text I bumped into a strong figure dropping my phone. As I went to pick it up I look up to see it was no other than Neville.

"Oh I'm Sorry Y/n, I should've looked where I was going. Also congrats on winning tonight. "He said stepping backwards as I glared picking up the case. I cursed under my breathe before standing up and responding.

"Thank you. And yes Next time dumbass watch where you are going. "I grunted avoiding eye contact. He sighed and reached out to touch my should.

"So are you going to the bar Tomorrow by any chance? Are you going with Nia and Dean or Elias? If not I'd be glad to go with you. "Neville ask out of curiosity. I turned on my heel and tried my hardest to be polite

"Actually, Yes I am. And No I'm not going with anyone. But I'd rather rude with James Ellsworth than you. "I kindly gritted through my teeth.

"Look, I don't know how many times I have to say this but I'm really am sorr-" I pulled his hand harshly off my shoulder.

"I don't wanna hear it Twat.  Don't touch me, talk to me, Look or even think about me, You scum. If you were truly sorry you would have never even hurt me in the first place ." I yelled out in anger, quickly walking off to the locker-room.

As I finally changed, and sat Down quietly alone calming down Alexa shyly walked over to me. I glared as she took a seat next to me.

"Umm Y/n, Do you wanna talk about it? "


"Why,just why can't you guys get along. You guys seem to have history that didn't end so well "Alexa said referring to my hatred for Neville since NXT.

"We do have history together. And yes it didn't end quite well. And no I'm not going to talk about it. "

"Let me guess, Ex's right? "She asked trying to break me. I shock my head no and stormed out. "I don't have time for this sorry  " 
I finally gathered enough strength to go to Dean's so called party. I didn't want to go knowing Neville​ will be there but only went for my friend Dean sake. Maybe a drink can calm me down.

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