Little Do You Know {L.M}

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'What the fuck is this Lisa?'

I whispered quietly to my girlfriend as I held up the lipstick stained pillow case.

''s uh...the lipstick of another...' She said barley audible to me, but the silence that surrounded us made it perfectly clear to my ears.

'Please get out Lis.' I replied as the tears slowly welled up.


'Lis, please just get out for the both of us.'


'Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep.'

Curled up in your arms again, the warmth clenched against my skin. But the tears are still falling from my pain within.

'Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memories'

Leaning closer into you now, your scent engulfing me, but now I can only smell her on you, why did you do what you didn't have to?

'Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece'

Three days. I sat across our bed. Missed phone calls and skipped meals. Three days it took me to even let anyone back in.

'Little do you know
I need a little more time'

You kissed me earlier. I flinched. Those lips have claimed somebody else's. Your being patient, but did you even love me to begin with?

'Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside'

The hug you gave me reminded me that I love you, but I can't admit those feelings to myself yet. The hole you burned in me will take a while to heal.

'I've been holding back
For the fear that you might change your mind'

I know the love is still there. You own my heart, and it's yours to break and to mend in your own time. If I don't decide quick enough, will you leave for her?

'I'm ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight'

I can let the cheating pass, I can let you back in. But I can't forget that you broke me down, I can't forget that just because you were drunk, you were easily able to mark her.

'Little do you know
I need a little more time'

Just a little while more. Wait for me Lisa, it'll always be you in my heart.


'Little do you know
I know you're hurting while I'm sound asleep'

Your back softly shook against my arms, you were crying again. Why do you wait till I'm asleep? Just take it all out on me, I deserve it.

'Little do you know
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me'

I walked into dance studio. Without acknowledging my members, my back had slid against the door and my tears were finding their way of escaping. My mind is messed up, all I can see is you.

Little do you know
I'm trying to make it better piece by piece

You flinched when I kissed you. Do they taste of her? I'd brush my teeth every minute of the day if it meant  the taste was gone. I miss you. I'll make it better, I promise.

'Little do you know
I, I love you 'til the sun dies'

The sun set again, but it's still shining brightly. Until the biggest star burns out, my love for you will remain.

'I'll wait, just wait
I love you like I've never felt the pain, just wait
I love you like I've never been afraid, just wait'

Scared. I was always scared about telling you. Pained. Pained when you told me to leave, pain when I feel you crying against me, pain when I realise even after my mistakes you love me.

'Our love is here, and here to stay
So lay your head on me'

Cry on my shoulder. Punch me in the stomach. Slap me in the face. Give me every hit I deserve. My love remains. I hurt you unintentionally, but just tell me that you love me. My pain goes away then.

'Cause little do you know
I love you 'til the sun dies.'

It's been three years since then. We're married. We have three beautiful kids. Twin boys and an elder sister. I wasn't lying when I said I love you. I'll always mean it, even when I know I hurt you. I love you, I really do.

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