Can't Help Falling In Love {P.C}

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I heard Chaeyoung calling for me as I made my way into her bedroom of the BlackPink dorm.

'Yes baby?' I asked her.

'Can you go to the store and get me some green peppers?' She asked me, with her cute baby voice.

'Mk, anything else?'

I really am whipped for this girl.

'Maybe some Iced Coffee for Lisa. Oh and some chicken for Jisoo Unnie. AND some kimchi for Jennie Unnie. That's all.' She said, sending me a flying kiss.

She always thinks about the others, which I find incredibly cute.

'Ok, I will be back in a bit princess.' I replied winking and walking out.


I walked out on to the street, something didn't feel right.

It felt as if something was going to go wrong at any second and it wasn't the most comfortable aura to be feeling.

I shook my head to get the thoughts out as I walked into the little alleyway that could get me to the shop.

Suddenly, I felt a hand clamp around my mouth from behind, and another placed around my waist from the side.

I tried screaming but due to the hand, my attempts were muffled. My mind was doing its own thing.

Instead of thinking of a way to get out, I was too busy thinking of Chaeyoung.

All of a sudden, my vision went black. The bastards put a blindfold on me.

I felt myself get dragged closer to the sound of an engine. My heart was thumping and my thoughts were a mess.

'Stay quiet.' A voice spoke to me. It seemed familiar to me but due to the current events I couldn't pick it out.


After around an hour of crying, biting and kicking, the car finally came to a stop.

The nerves had gone and now the anger had kicked in. I heard the doors slide open, and my voice had risen.

'I don't know what the fuck you want with me, but I actually have a reason waiting for me, so if you would be so kind to let me go.' I scowled at where I presumed the figure was.

They let out a chuckle, ok they were Male and definitely familiar.

'Hate to ruin it for you, but the reason isn't there anymore.'

The voice said as they grabbed me in bridal carry. Wait. What? Chaeyoung? What did they do to my baby?

'W..what?' My voice became shaky.

The person placed me on a chair, we were outside. I could hear the ocean, it felt like we were at a cliff top.

'The so called reason your on about, is not there so don't worry.'

They seemed to be mocking me.

'What the fuck did you do to her? I swear to god when I get out of this I wi-Hmph!'

I was cut off by a pair of soft lips on my own. It can't be. The scent, the softness and the care.

'Park Chaeyoung...' I mumbled into her lips.

I squinted as my blindfold was lifted up and my predictions were correct.

The soft breeze from the sea was hitting my face but there was a beauty stood in front me, which caught my attention more.

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