Chapter 18

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Emilie's POV

The weekend passed quickly. And for the first time ever, I'm dreading going to school. It has nothing to do about a test, it's actually Aiden.

I haven't heard from him since we... kissed. Which was, on Friday. And it's now Monday.

I tie my half of my hair, leaving the other half open. I take one more look at myself in the mirror.

I'm wearing some dark jeans, with a beige turtleneck, since it's pretty cold. I match it with some black ankle boots .

I grab my bag, heading downstairs. When I enter the kitchen, I am surprised to hear chattering.

I see Austin and mom talking and laughing.

"morning" I say quietly, making mom and Austin stop talking and look at me.

"morning sweetie." Mom smile at me.

"morning Emilie" Austin says. I hug Austin quickly, and give mom a kiss on the cheek.

"hey, I'll drive you to school today, is that okay?" Austin asks me. I nod, grabbing a granola bar.

We head out of the house, and I get in Austin's car.

We drive to school, talking about different thing, but when we get closer to the school, I started to get nervous.

What if Aiden think I am a bad kisser? What if he thought it was a mistake?

"we're here" Austin's voice snaps me out of my 'what ifs'.

I smiled at him, "thanks for the ride" I get out of the car.

When I'm halfway through the parking lot, I feel someone's hands on my shoulders.

"Emilie" it's Austin. I turn to him confused, but then I see a binder in his hands.

"you forgot it in the car" he says, giving me it.

There wasn't enough space in my bag, so I just held it in my arms.

"thanks" I thank him, taking the binder from him. He gives me a quick hug, telling me to have a good day before jogging to his car.

I walk through the hallway to my locker. I place my binder in, taking my first period stuff. I close my locker, making a small, bam, noise.

I jump away when I see a figure beside me. I place my hands on my fast, beating heart.

"Jesus Chase, you scared me" I say, my heart still beating against my hands.

And do you know what he did? He chuckled!

"didn't mean to scare you, sorry" though he looks anything but sorry.

I roll my eyes, "and what do I owe this pleasure?" I say sarcastically. Chase is one of those people who can bring you out.

"can't I just talk to my best friend" he mocks hurt.

I raise an eyebrow at him, as in 'is that really why you're here'.

"okay, okay. That's not why I'm here. Come on, follow me" he says already walking to god knows where. I follow him either way.

Chase ended up leading me to the back of the school, the place I usually sit in at lunch.

"why'd you bring me here?" I ask. Chase motion for me to sit, so I do, and he takes a seat in front of me.

Chase smirks at me, giving me a knowing smile.

"what?" I exclaim.

"so" he pauses " a little birdy told me that you and a guy by the name of Aiden, got a little lip locking session" he smirks, and I freeze, my eyes wide.

Who told him? Did he see it? What the heck? How does he know? Little birdy, seriously?

"so?" he teases. I can't seem to utter a word .

"hello? Earth to Emilie?" Chase waves a hand in front of my face.

"w-who t-told you?" I manage to squeal.

Chase's smirk grows wider, "does it matter? Now, tell me. Is he any good?"

I blush as red as tomatoes " w-what do you mean?" I asks, even though I know what he means

He rolls his eyes, "fine, I'll give it to you straight forward. Is he a good kisser?"

He is. I mean, he's the only guy I've ever kissed so I don't really know. I came back to my senses and look at Chase, suspiciously

"why are you asking?" I say slowly. Chase's eyes go wide.

"uh nothing, it's n-not like someone's t-telling me to ask you, you know?" to say Chase's a bad lair is the understandment of the century.

"who asked you? Wait" I pause, organizing my thoughts, "the only people who were at the lake, are me and Aiden. so that means it's either me or Aiden told you, which in this case is Aiden. so that means Aiden's telling you to come and ask me, he's a good kisser" I think out loud. Chase stares at me, jaw open.

"wh-ho ar-re you" Chase stutters.

I blush, realizing what I just did. I have done this before, I just can't control my inner... personal analysis, I guess you could call it that .

I blush "sorry. This gets out of hand" I gestured to what I just did a few moments ago.

Chase nods slowly, "so was he any good?" he repeats

"why" I hesitate. "why doesn't he ask me himself?" I let out the question that's been burning me.

Chase looks at me like I just grown a head next to my own.

"when you kiss someone, do you come and ask them if he/she was a good kisser?" okay he has a good point.

"fine. I'll answer but" he raises an eyebrow at my condition, "did he tell you if I was any good?" I blush as soon as the word leave my mouth.

Chasse scoffs, "if you mean him talking about it for almost an hour any good, then yeah. I wanted to punch him so he could, shut up"

Before I can react, the bell rings announcing the start of first period.

"shit. We better go to glass" I exclaim, getting up and speeding to class, Chase raising behind me.

I enter class in such a hurry, but thankfully the teacher is not there. But my luck is soon nowhere to be found when I look through the. Students for an empty seat. And guess who's in the same class, and the only seat empty is next to him? Yep, Aiden freaking King.

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