Chapter 15

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Aiden's POV

when she finished talking, to say I'm stunned was an understandment of the century.

"what you did was really nice" I say. And suddenly I have the urge to kiss her. I have no idea why?

I mean now looking at who she is, she's a really nice person. Emilie is so kind and nice. She always wants to help others.

I look at her pink, full lips, my heart beating so fast I pray she can't hear it.

"I mean they're my family, I obviously want the best for them" she says. I noticed that she doesn't talk about her father. I mean she mentioned her mother and Austin hugging but where is her father? I don't ask though, because she obviously doesn't want me to know.

"you always help everyone" I can't help but blur. Her eyes snap to mine, and I see a tint of pink on her cheeks.


I move closer to her, so now our faces are directly in front of each other.

A strand of her brown hair falls to her face and without thinking my hands reach to it.

My hands touch the strand of her hair, making my thumb gently touches her cheeks. She looks at me saying nothing.

I tuck the strand in the back of her ears though I don't remove my hands, instead my hands go to her cheeks. I lean in.

What the fuck am I doing? I have no idea.

My heart pumps against my chest and I feel like it's about to explode. Our nose touch and I wait for her to stop me, to make me move but she doesn't, she simply stares at me.

I look down at her lips. They're so pink, so freaking kissable. I snap my eyes back to her own, to find her looking down at my lips too. She looks at me in the eyes, saying nothing.

What do I do? I mean I've never really kissed a girl before. Yes, I know I'm eighteen and I have never kissed anyone, but I never really liked anyone.

Like. Do I like Emilie? Fuck, I think I do .

She probably has kissed someone before, I mean she's everything a guy would look for.

She's freaking beautiful. She's smart. She's nice. She's just .... Amazing.

Before I could lean in and press my lips to hers, I hear something pop. I jump away looking from where the noise is coming from, to find fireworks there.

It's already twelve. I look up at the sky, seeing different kind of colors. Blue and red.

I look at Emilie, to find her looking at the sky smiling.

I can't help but smile so myself. See, she even makes me smile only because she does.

Seconds later, the fireworks stop, and I quickly stand up, knowing that it's going to be awkward .

"I uh better go home" I say awkwardly not looking at Emilie.

"yeah me too. Goodnight Aiden" she says standing up.

"goodnight Em" I say. But neither of us make an attempt to move. I finally have the courage to lift my gaze from the ground and look at her. I see her bright blue eyes staring at me, her cheeks flushed.

She smiles at me, coming towards me. "happy new year" she says, standing on her tip toes. What she did next surprises me. She kisses my cheeks before turning away and walking to her car.

She drives away, and my hand go to my left cheek, the one she kissed,

"happy new year" I whisper to myself, smiling.

She just kissed me on the cheek. Does that mean she likes me? fuck I really hope she does.

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