Chapter 11

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Aiden's POV

I get out of the car, shutting the door behind me. I sit down on the dock looking at the cold water. It's been pretty cold lately since It's the end of December. Christmas passed already. I spend the whole day with mom, Dad, and Jessica. Mason's and Chase's family too. It was a nice evening, I guess.

I close my eyes, feeling the cold wind against my face.

"isn't it nice?" It's Emilie. Without opening my eyes, I know it's her. I open my eyes, turning to my right. Emilie's hair is open falling down until her back. She's wearing a blue hoodie with black jeans.

"it is" I answer. I know she referring to the weather without asking.

I stand up, making Emilie's head snap towards me, giving me access to her amazing blue eyes, that still amazes me.

I head to my car again and grab a gift. It's a Christmas gift for Emilie, I was supposed to give it to her on Christmas, but I hadn't seen her, until now.

I go back to the deck, to find Emile heading towards the grass.

"Em" I call her name, making her turn to me.

I hand her a small box "I bought you this, a Christmas gift. I didn't have a chance to give it to you earlier" I say.

She takes the box from me, looking at it then at me.

She smiles "thank you"

She opens it, gasping.

"it's beautiful Aiden" she says. It's a necklace, with the one word written on it. Hope. It's the first thing we talked about, and I thought it would be a perfect idea to do this.

"would you please?" Emilie says, gesturing to help her to put on the necklace.

She turns around, removing her hair to the side showing me her neck. I place the necklace, securing it. She turns around, smiling at me "thank you Aiden." She says , again.

"your welcome"

"I have something for you too, one second" she says, going o her car. To say I'm surprised is an understandment.

I didn't expect her to bring me something.

She comes back, handing me a blue bag.

"open it when your home" she tells me, which I nod in respond.

"thank you" I say

"your welcome. It's not much but I think you'll like it" Emile says shyly.

After that we lay down on the grass, looking at the stars, in silence.


The first thing I do when I arrive home, I head to my room eager and exited to open what Emilie got me.

I open the bag to find a couple of things rapped with gift paper.

I take out the biggest, which is really heavy. I tore out the paper rap, to see a set of books. My eyes go wide, she brought me the whole 'shatter me' series. I talked about it to her once, I didn't think she would remember that. I have a huge smile on my face.

Since I started talking to Emilie, somethings changed, even Chase and Mason said so, hell even mom. I've been smiling a lot, talking more.

I place the books next to me, ready to find out what else did she get me.

I find a tiny box, covered with gift paper. I take out, tearing the paper off it, then opening the box.

It's a key chain. At first, I thought it's just a normal silver key chain. There is a medium sized circle at the end, when I flipped it over, I find a sentence carved.

Hope is a bright star in a hopelessly dark universe.

I stare at the sentence, I blink. She combined hope and universe in the same sentence.

I place the key chain on my nightstand, making a mental note to put all my keys in it tomorrow.

When I look back at the bag, I find one more thing. It looks like a box or something, since it's covered with gift paper, too.

But when I tear the paper open, I find a black notebook. Wait, it's a familiar black notebook! Where have I seen this notebook?

Oh, I saw it with Emilie, the first time I ate lunch with her.

I furrow my eyebrows. Why is she giving me her notebook?

I open the cover;

In darkness,
Believe in light,
In loneliness,
Believe in friends,
In sorrow,
Believe in joy,
In pain,
Believe in empathy,
In frustration,
Believe in patience,
In anger,
Believe in perspective,
In indifference,
Believe in love,
For in evolving wisdom,
Lives hope for us all.

---- I noticed that you like poetry/reading. I had this notebook since ninth grade, I always wrote in it. When I finished writing in it this year, I had no idea what to do with it. I'm sure you'll like the content in this.

- Emilie.

I stare at the notebook. I check the time, to see it's past eight o'clock. I return my attention to the black notebook in front of me. I flip the page and start reading what she wrote a couple years ago, until now.

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