chapter 17

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Aiden's POV

I get out of the car, filled with joy and happiness. I enter my house, closing the door behind me.

"mom, I'm home" I say, entering the living room, expecting mom to be there. And I'm right. She's sitting on the couch, watching the tv.

"hey" she turns to me, smiling.

I take a seat next to her.

"hey. Mind if I join you?" I ask. Mom seems surprise by my sudden behavior but nods anyway. We watch the tv in silence, before I speak up.

"hey mom?"

She turns to me "yeah?"
"I know I haven't brought this up in a really long time, but I wanted to sorry" I apologize.

She looks at me, confused "what do you mean, Aiden? what are you apologizing for?"

"the day you told me about my adoption, and when I didn't speak to you after that for weeks. It was wrong of me. You are my mom, you took care of me and you were always there for me, that's what a mom does. I'm so sorry for everything I have done" I explain, apologize to her. When I look at her, I see tears in her eyes. She looks at me, a mixed of astonishment and a warm smile on her face, before hugging me.

"gosh, you don't have to apologize Aiden. You're my son" she says.

"I know I don't say this a lot, but I love you mom" I say, hugging her tight.

"I love you too" she speaks, pulling away from the hug.

She smiles at me, and I smile back.

We turn our attention back to the movie that's playing on the tv. Not even a second later, my mom asks.

"what changed?"

I turn to her, confused "what do you mean?"

"I mean, there is obviously something made you come here and apologize. I'm not saying that you don't mean it, I just think something, or someone helped" she explains.

I feel my cheeks warm up, due to the fact that my mother's right. It's Emilie.

"yeah, you're right. I wouldn't have done this without Emilie" I speak, without putting much thoughts into it.

"Emilie? As in Lucy's daughter" my mom gives me a knowing smile.

I blush, nodding "yeah"

Mom's silent for a second, before she talks "you seem to open up for her, a lot"

I shrug, "it's just easy to talk to her, I guess. I mean she always knows the right thing to say. I mean, what I said to you a moment ago, I know I knew it all along, but I just needed someone to give me the courage to realize it"

My mom places her hand on my shoulder, "I'm glad you found someone like her, Aiden. you seem to really like her" mom teases.

I stand up, knowing where this conversation is leading to.

"I'll go to bed, goodnight" I kiss mom's forehead. "goodnight"

I climb up the stairs, instead of heading to my room, I head to Jessica's.

I enter her room, checking if she's asleep, but I find her on the floor, colored pencils on the floor, and she's in the middle drawing.

When she sees me, she smiles standing up and I kneel down so I can hug her properly.

"Aiden" she says, excitedly.

"hey, Jess. Why aren't you asleep yet?' I ask, ruffling her hair.

She pushes my hands away and shrugs "I don't know. I'm not sleepy"

"what are you drawing" I ask her.

She leans down and pick up the paper she's been drawing on and hand it to me.

I look at the paper, to see a figure with brown hair and a white dress, but I have no idea who it is.

"who's that? "I ask Jessica.

"Emilie" to say I'm shocked, would be an understandment.

"why Emilie?" I ask Jess.

"she's pretty and I like her, she's nice" she shrugs.

I can't help but agree, "yeah she is"


I lay on my bed, thinking. After Emilie and I kissed, Emilie's phone rang, and she told me she had to go.

I have no idea where we stand right now. I mean, we're obviously not friends, friends don't kiss.

God, the kiss. I just want to feel her lips against mine again. She tastes so good .

I groan loudly. What if she hated the kiss? What if I was a bad kisser, because I'm sure as hell she isn't. when she kissed me again, I think my heart just exploded, in a good way somehow.

I have the urge to call her right now. But will I seem to needy? Of course, I will seem needy.

So, I do what I usually do, when I have no idea what to do. I call Chase and Mason.

I told them to meet me, tomorrow at the dinner we usually go to; Dennis.

After that I face the celling. My handreaches my lips, trying to remember Emilie's own on mine. It feels so good, so right.

When I kissed her, I expected her to move, or tell me that she doesn't think of me that way. When she kissed me back, I couldn't believe it. I was over the moon, still am.

I pull the blanket around me, sighing softly. I rest my head on my pillow, forcing myself to sleep because I know I would have stayed the whole night just thinking about Emilie.

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