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"Any word on Deceit," Hayden asked as Remy walked into the base and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"No. Logic has tried his watch, but either D isn't wearing it or he hasn't activated it at all."

"Two weeks is a long time to go without contacting your friends."

"Since when did D ever consider anyone a friend? I'm surprised he even got close enough to that Royal kid for Bedrag to be able to manipulate him," sitting down at the table the detective took a sip of his coffee and let out an annoyed sigh.

"But he did. And now you see why he kept his guard up with you," Hayden sat across from Remy and fixed him with a stern gaze. "We're you able to wake The Prince?" Remy sighed and shook his head, eyes fixed on the dark liquid in his mug. "Could it be because this was induced by Angst?"

"It's possible," he took off his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes with his wrist. "I honestly don't know, H. I can't even find him. It's like he's not even there. I can feel the nightmare. He's not on respirators or anything. He's got a feeding tube for obvious reasons. His involuntary functions are still active. He's just not responding to any outside stimulus. He's trapped in there and I can't find him."

Hayden reached a hand across the table and gently placed it over the younger man's, giving it a small reassuring squeeze. "You'll wake him up. I have faith in you."

"Thanks, babe. Logic said he thinks Bedrag did place a thought in his head to keep him from finding the others. We need to find a way to counter act that."

The scientist sighed and shook his head. "We've never found a living victim of Forræderi. I don't think there is a way to reverse his manipulation. Not without him doing it himself."

"Could D do it?"

"It's possible, but we don't know where he is. Or the exact words used. Theoretically speaking he'd probably have to use the exact opposite of the phrase used."

"Fuck my life," the hero groans dropping his forehead onto the table. "How much longer before Rebellion is back in town?"

"A couple more weeks. She was visiting a friend on one of the colonies. Have you checked on the nurse's brother? He seems to be the only one to not know what is going on."

"Yeah," Remy sat up and put his shades back on his face. "I told him that it would probably be best if he left town for a bit after the Winslow kid disappeared. That was when I was working on the theory that it had something to do with the people living in that house. Like maybe a crazed patient or something since he and his brother brother worked in the medical field. He's supposed to be coming back next week. He felt terrible leaving his patients and practice for so long."

Hayden nodded. Remy finished his coffee then made his way over to one of the computers and started to get to work looking for Olav. He was determined to find the other hero. They needed to find him if they were ever going to defeat Bedrag and save his friends.


Two weeks ago

Olav wipes his eyes and looked around at the destroyed block they had fought Angst on earlier. He knew he had a big clean up job ahead of him. Spotting Logan he slowly stood up and stumbled towards the other hero. Angst must've been gone. That explained why they were both lucid now. It wouldn't be long before Shadow was back to normal as well. He told himself.

"Logic?" He slowed his walking and looked in horror at the site before him. The usually composed and emotionless hero was panicking. He was hovering over Roman, shaking him and slapping his face in an attempt to wake up, but the other man wasn't responding.

Had Angst killed him while they were all trapped in their minds? In those horrible nightmares he'd created for them? Finding the ability to use his legs again he ran over to the other two men and dropped back to his knees beside them. "What's going on?"

Logan didn't respond. He didn't even seem to notice him. "Logic!" He grabbed the man by his shoulders and shook him.

Blinking, Logan focused on Olav, but just barely. Tears were running down his cheeks and fear was in his eyes. "H-he won't wake up..."

Olav let go of the the other and checked Roman for a pulse, relaxing a bit when he found one. "Okay, calm down. He's still alive." He checked The Prince's health readouts on his watch and gave Logan a reassuring smile. "He's physically okay. He probably just passes out from whatever Angst showed him."

"But he won't wake up!"

"Logic! Breathe!"

Logan nodded and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly."

"As soon as Shadow wakes up have him wake Prince. I'll be right back," he stood up again and started walking in the direction that Angst had come from when they found him during their patrol.

That was the last time Logic saw the other hero. Still in his suit and walking away with determination.

A/N: Not my best chapter. Sorry.

A Call to Darkness (Book 1 of Calling All Heroes)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora