An Old New Base

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Olav knocked on the door in the back of the alley. Roman and Logan stood close, looking around suspiciously. It was late and the shadiness of the area had them both on high alert.

"Who is it?" Came a gruff voice that caused them both to turn their attention to the door.

"Deceit. I brought them. We need your help."

The door opened and Hayden looked over Olav's and his two companions. "Come on in," he stepped aside to let them into the foyer and closed the door behind them.

"This is The Prince, and Logic. Prince, Logic, this is Dr Hayden Falk."



"Base is downstairs," Hayden turned and led the trio down to his base.

Roman and Logan gave Olav a questioning look, but the other hero ignored them and followed the doctor down the stairs. The two looked at each other and shrugged before heading down the stairs as well.

"Fascinating," Logan immediately began to walk around the room, examining everything he laid his eyes on.

"Did you tell them, Deceit?"

"Yes. They know everything I know. Bedrag definitely has Remus and Virgil. He's used the machine to weaken them."

Hayden watched Olav closely for a moment and frowned slightly. "What happened?"

"You haven't shown him yet, have you?" Roman looked at the other hero with concern.

"No. I can't. I can't..." Olav turned his back to them and lowered his head, his shoulder sagging.

"What is going on?"

Roman went over to Olav's and pulled his mobile out of his pocket then handed it to Hayden. "Bedrag sent him a video."

"A video?" Hayden took the device and hooked it up to one of the computers before putting on headphones and playing the video.

The room was silent as the older man watched the video. Olav kept his back to the group and Roman and Logan looked between the hero and the man they just met with concern on their faces.

When he was done with the video Hayden lowered the headphones and looked at the other three men. His face looked like it had aged years in the time it took him to watch the video.


"To make me suffer. Remus would've been easy to manipulate. This was just his way to hurt me even more."

"Do you have any idea where they are?"

"No. The video was encrypted and couldn't me tracked. I did run into Remus earlier. He attacked me."

"Nearly killed him," Roman hugged himself and rubbed his arms.

Hayden pressed a button on the console beside him. "Shadow will be here shortly. Rebellion had a job out of town, but I will let her in on what is going on as soon as I get a chance."

"No," Olav turned around and glared at Hayden. "No. No one else gets involved. These two are already in danger."

"You need help, Deceit. You three cannot do this without help."

"Your help. No one else's."

"We should accept all the help we can get, Deceit." Roman took a step closer to the other man and reached out to place a hand on his shoulder. The other hero slapped his hand away and fixed him with a steady gaze, his blue eyes shifting to yellow.

"We do NOT need help, Roman."

Roman froze and stared into Olav's eyes. "We don't need help."

"OLAV!" Logan, moves to stand between the two heroes. "We need the help and we will be accepting it. End of discussion."

Olav blinked and took a step back letting go of his hold on Roman's mind. The other hero blinked as well and stumbled back, placing a hand to his head and shaking it to clear the fog.

"I'm sorry, Roman."

"It's fine. I think. Are we accepting help?"

"Yes," Logan replied in a voice that told them there was no room for debate.

A Call to Darkness (Book 1 of Calling All Heroes)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora