A Date, a Time Skip, and a Twitter Post

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Roman knocked on the door and smiled brightly when Patton opened it. "Good evening, Patton. How are you?"

"I'm good. What brings you over today, kiddo?" Patton stepped aside to let Roman in, giving him a confused look when he didn't see Remus with him. "Where's your brother?"

"It's just me this evening. If I'm not mistaken, Re is working late at his shop," he ran a hand through his hair, a light blush staining his cheeks. "I'm actually here to pick up Virgil for our date."

"Ooh. A date? And you didn't invite back up this time," he asked in a teasing tone, closing the door behind the taller man.

"I got nervous last time. This time I didn't. And I already heard an earful from Night Storm about chickening out last time."

"Well, it was a little foolish of you to ask us all to hang out when you had wanted to go on a date. But, I understand being nervous about asking out someone. So, where are you two going?"

"There's a Panic! At the Disco cover band playing at a bar downtown."

"Oh, wow. You two are gonna have so much fun."

"I hope so. I'm not much for that PG-13 music he seems to enjoy listening to, but I do enjoy watching him be so enthusiastic about music and art. Plus, I will admit that some of the music he listens to is kind of catchy."Patton chuckled and nodded his head.

"Where is ol' Panic! At the everywhere at anyway?"

"Last I saw him, he was up in his room with Olav. They've been up there since like one. So, they're probably napping by now," he chuckled, pointing up the stairs.

"Olav? Does umm...does Virgil know?"

Patton bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders while shaking his head no. "You'll have to ask Olav yourself, kiddo."

Roman let out a small sigh and nodded his head. "I'd better head up there and grab Virgil. If I'm lucky, he's not napping and won't tackle me again for waking him up if he is." Both men chuckled, and the princely man went up the stairs to Virgil's room and knocked on the door, ignoring the sound of music coming from the other side of the door.

The music abruptly stopped, and the door opened, revealing Virgil decked out in his usual black attire. "Hey, Roman. 'Sup?""I'm here for our date."

Virgil's eyes widened, and he pulled his mobile out of his pocket to check the time. "Shit. I'm sorry. I lost track of time."

"It's quite alright," the blonde man smiled sweetly at the other.Virgil called over his shoulder to his friend and told him that he was heading out and that they could continue tomorrow. "Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Olav called back with a chuckle.

Virgil pulled his hood over his head and groaned in annoyance before heading down the stairs with his date. "Going out, Pat! Be back later!"

"You kids have fun!" Patton called back from the living room.They got into Roman's car and started driving downtown. Virgil looked out the window and watched as the scenery passed them by. "So, where are we going?"

"There's a club downtown I thought you would enjoy."

Virgil tensed and slowly looked over at Roman, "a-a club?"

"Yeah. There's a cover band playing that I thought you would enjoy. Did I make a bad choice?"

"Y-no. No. It's fine."

"Virgil, if you don't want to go to a club, we can do something else. I honestly wasn't sure what we should do tonight, and I only picked this because of the band."

A Call to Darkness (Book 1 of Calling All Heroes)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora