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48 hours since Patton was taken:

Virgil and Emile sat at the kitchen table with Detective Remington O'Hearn.

"Okay, babes. When was the last time you saw the missing person? And what were they wearing?"

"Patton," Virgil's voice was hoarse as he'd spent the night before screaming in frustration when he and the other heroes had failed to find any clues to Patton's location. Wherever he was, his watch wasn't even able to send out a signal, and Logan couldn't track it with his powers.

"I'm sorry?" The detective took his sunglasses off his face and perched them atop his head.

"His name is Patton. And we saw him two days ago. He was wearing his scrubs from work. I met up with him so we could meet up with some friends for dinner."

"Right. Sorry. Why didn't you two come home together if you live in the same house?"

"My boyfriend asked if I wanted to have a movie marathon with him, so I went home with him. I had no reason to think Patton wouldn't make it home. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry, Emile."

"No, Virgil. It's okay. If I were in your position, I would've thought nothing of sending Patton home alone either. He may be a sweet little puffball, but he can be tough and handle himself when he needs to."

"Can I get the names of your friends, please, Mr. Winslow? And you alibi for that night. Yours as well, Dr. Picani."

"Virgil wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"Calm down, Em. It's okay. Just protocol. Right, detective?"

Remy nodded his head and clicked his pen so he could write the information down.

"Remus and Roman Royal, and Logan Accorsi. We were at Logan's house for dinner. And my boyfriend is Roman Royal."

Remy nodded and wrote the information down in his notes.

"Virgil!" Roman burst into the kitchen, Logan close on his heels. "Have you heard anything?"

Remy looked over at the two men, the shorter one seeming very winded. Emile stood up and got Logan a glass of water and forced him to sit at the table.

"No," Virgil shook his head. "Uhh... Roman, Loan, this is Detective O'Hearn with missing persons."

"Remy, please."



"I'd like to ask you two a couple of questions about the night Mr. Picani went missing. Just so we can get a baseline of events and figure out where to start our search. I'm also going to need Remus' contact information, Virgil."

The musician nodded and pulled out his mobile to get the number for the detective. They'd all discussed their story, and Roman had gone over it with Remus. So, Virgil had no fear that they would be found out. That's not to say things wouldn't still have been much easier if Olav was conscious.

72 hours since Patton was taken:

"Virgil, you need to get some sleep," Roman walked over to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close.

"I can't, Roman. I've gotta find Patton."

"We will find him. But, you should still need your sleep." Roman lifted the smaller man bridal style and carried him over to his bed and lay him down, climbing in beside him and curling up. "I promise you, Virgil. We will find Patton and bring him home safe and sound."

A Call to Darkness (Book 1 of Calling All Heroes)Where stories live. Discover now