All They do is Argue

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Trigger warning: Blood

"Shut up, Prince." The darkly dressed hero's voice held a dangerous edge to it as he slowly walked towards the man in white and red.

"Or what? I'm seriously getting bored with your empty threats, Night Storm."

"And I'm getting bored of your stupidity."

Patton sighed heavily and rubbed his hands over his face. Every night it was the same thing. He'd send the heroes out on patrol, and if it wasn't The Prince and The Duke getting into an argument, then it was The Prince and Night Storm. Logic had begged him to split the group up to minimize the dysfunction, but there was no getting around it. Logic was the only one that they all got along with all of the time. Though, that may have been due in part to his quiet demeanor. "Are you sure you won't reconsider joining them on the field, Deceit?"

"I'm not cut out for that kind of work, Heart. I can be more useful to the team by staying here with you. Logic's idea was good, though. But instead of splitting them into pairs, just send each one in a different direction."

"You may be right." Leaning forward, Patton pressed a button on the console before him and the other man, opening the communication channel between the base and the heroes. "You guys are getting on our nerves. We're taking Logic's plan of action, with a bit of modification from Deceit."

"What do you mean, Heart?" Night Storm and The Prince asked in unison.

"Logic, we want you to take and patrol the business district east of Green Road." Deceit's voice instructed. "Duke, think you can handle the pier?"

"Of course, I can."

"You are to contact Logic or Night Storm for backup if you find any trouble," Patton instructed. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," he replied dejectedly before taking off.

"Prince, take downtown. Night Storm, take the residential area."

"On it, Heart." Night Storm glared at Prince once again before taking off.
Logic had left shortly after Deceit had given him his assignment. Prince was the last one to leave their current location.

"Heart, can we get a secure line?" Logic asked as he made his way to the business district.

Patton put an earpiece in and switched to a secure line. "We're clear, Logic. What's up?"

"Why didn't you just pair us up? The Duke and Night Storm hardly ever fight. I could've paired up with The Prince."

"The Duke and The Prince make Night Storm's powers act up."

"I see. Are you sure those two can be trusted to not screw up?"

"That's why I instructed The Duke to contact you or Night Storm if anything happened."

"Very well. I will trust your decision on this matter."

"Thanks, kiddo. Now get to work and report in if you find any-"

"Heart?" Logic frowned and stopped as he walked down the street when the man on the other end of the communication device suddenly stopped talking.

"Everyone head to 6th and Olive. Now! Night Storm needs back up!" It was Deceit's voice that came through the communication device. "Prince, you're closest. Get Night Shadow and bring him back to base. He's injured."

"'m fine, Dee."

"What happened?" The Prince's voice was a bit strained as he ran back towards the residential district.

A Call to Darkness (Book 1 of Calling All Heroes)Where stories live. Discover now