Training Accident

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. My anxiety has been high lately and I was stuck at work until nearly midnight on Monday. So my muse took a break and left me hanging until last night. So, I'll be updating this story and Apocalyptic Morality.

 "Night Storm, watch out!" Roman ran over to the other hero and tackled him to the ground, successfully knocking out of the way of the ball of fire that shot across the training room.

"Try NOT to kill them, Logic!" Patton chastised as the three heroes in the room glared in the direction of the large window Logic, Patton, and Deceit were on the other side of.

"He needs to learn to focus his powers, Heart," the stoic man said, reaching up to adjust his glasses before remembering that he wasn't wearing them.

"And hell totally be able to do that as Night Storm flambé." Deceit rolled his eyes and pressed a button by the window. "You guys okay in there?"

"Yeah," The Duke and The Prince replied.

"I will be when tall light and regal gets off of me," Virgil groaned from where he lay under the princely hero. "Seriously dude, how the hell is your hair still perfect?" He stares up at the other man in shock at his still perfectly styled hair.

"It's a gift," the man replied, blushing as he got up off the other and helped him up.


"No problem."

"Are you two gonna kiss?" The two men quickly turned to glare at the black and green-clad hero.

"NO!" They yelled in unison, Roman's face almost as red as his mask and Virgil's, though hidden by his own full mask, nearly the same shade.

Deceit hadn't switched off the intercom, so Patton could be heard on the other side of the window giggling.

"Don't encourage him, padre," Roman groaned, looking over at the nurse. Virgil's head snapped in the princely hero's direction at the comment, and his once flushed pink face went pale.

Without even thinking, Virgil went invisible. "NoNoNoNo. ShIt! No!" Logan, Remus, and Roman all froze with a look of terror on their faces. Patton and Deceit had trained with Virgil enough to know how to handle his terror voice. Thinking quickly, the two men shut off the simulator, and Deceit ran into the room.

"Logic! Deactivate his suit!" Deceit yelled as he went jumping over a toppled pillar and made for the spot he'd last seen his friend.

Patton placed his hands on Logan's head and focused on trying to calm him. His powers really only worked with physical injuries. Still, he hoped he could at least ease the physical effects of the fear he felt so that he could use his powers. "P-please, Lo. We need you to deactivate the cloaking on Night's suit," his voice was soft and soothing.

Logan nodded his head with a shaky breath and used his powers to hone in on Virgil's watch and deactivate the cloaking. At least that was his intention. Without being in complete control of his emotions, he sent an electrical shock through the hero's body, causing him to scream out in pain before collapsing. While unconscious, Virgil couldn't remain invisible, and his voice could no longer affect the others.

Roman and Remus dropped to their knees, breathing heavily and holding themselves.

"Thank you," Patton whispered, wiping tears from under Logan's mask.

Deceit came out of the room, followed by Roman, who was carrying an unconscious Night Storm. "Good job, Logic. You saved the day back there," he said, patting the other man's shoulder as he and Roman walked by and made their way to Virgil's room.

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