Chapter 14

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*Third person*
When everyone finally arrived at the castle it was quiet for a few minutes. When lance exited Blue he was greeted with Keith jumping into his arms. He was a little startled at first but he was happy, he finally got to hold is Omega.
*lances view*
I put my nose into his scent glands, I couldn't get enough of his scent. It was like a drug that I haven't taken in years. I was inhaling so much that I was getting dizzy, but I loved it. I held him tighter and continued to smell him. I could feel him doing the same thing, I was so happy I could've died. I never want to let him go, he pulled away and kissed me. I kissed back, I then realized that the entire team was there waiting patiently. I pulled away and smiled not only at Keith but at the team, they cared enough to go after me! And that makes me the happiest Alpha in the world. I finally feel like I have a pack that I can consider my own, even if I'm not the leader of it.

*mullets view*
Oh god, he's finally back! Seeing the blue lion pull into the castle it made my omega very happy. I really couldn't control it right now, I ended up throwing myself at lance crying. I think he could understand that it wasn't me acting as much as my omega but I think he still enjoyed the action. Everyone started hugging him saying how they missed him and such. But my omega was getting impatient, it wanted attention. Especially since Alpha had be gone for so long, I tugged on his sleeve a little looking at him (with puppy dog eyes 🥺) he momentarily stopped what he was doing and then told everyone he was tired and pulled me out of the room. My omega was very happy ☺️.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok I made this chapter because I wanted all of ur inputs. Would u or would u not want me to write smut in the next chapter??? I know before I said I didn't think I would be 🤷🏼‍♀️ at this point I'm pretty much comfortable doing anything.  Also if I do end up writing smut...... would y'all want it kinky?? If so how kinky?? I need to know thank you for the love and support ~Michelle

Bad luck ~Klance Where stories live. Discover now