??? (Part 2 - Unedited)

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I still wonder about who this "Eli" is. 
As I made my way along the narrow path, I hear a tiny rustling. I immediately stopped and turn my head to take a better look at where the sound was coming from. The rustles get louder as I focus my eyes on a tiny bush. Suddenly, a little slug jumped out and walked onto the path, a Tazerling from the looks of it. Wait. A Tazerling? They don't live around these parts... don't they?
"Hey there, little buddy," I whispered, "are you lost?"
The little slug nodded its head.
I could do with a Tazerling, I mean, they're powerful...
"Well, you're a lucky lil' slug since I'm looking for some pretty good slugs to join my team. Say, I could do with a little more electric power..."
The slug looked up at me with wide eyes and a big cheesy grin on its face. i hold out my hand and it gives a happy chirp of agreement before hopping onto my hand. It's a boy, I think.
"I think I'll call you...Tizzer."
Tizzer makes his way quickly up my arm and jumps up to my shoulder, giving Flamer a high five shock before settling down.

After a few more silent minutes of walking, I arrive at the hideout, only to find it locked.
Well duh, ofcourse it would be locked! After a close examination of the hideout, I manage to come up with a key, which I found dug down in the earth of a nearby potted plant with the help of Flamer. It won't fit in the front door, and after a few tries, I give up. Tizzer chirps and tugs my sleeve, then hops down from my shoulder onto the ground and starts hopping away from us, twisting his head around, motioning for us to follow. I shoot a confused glance at Flamer, who was sitting on my right shoulder, but he only returned my look with a tiny shrug.
Tizzer led us to the back, where there was a large metal shutter, probably a mecha beast garage. He points to the bottom of the door where a lock lay in place. I poke in the key and try it. I hear a click.
The lock gives away as I heave up the shutter door, revealing 4 slick mecha beasts. Well, minus the mule mecha. There was one with the Shane emblem on it, a proud-looking wolf-like mecha, another that looked like a donkey, a panther and a warthog I think?
"Wow, I never imagined dad would leave all four of these!" I gush to no one in particular.
I took my pick. The dog one was by far one of the most impressive and a beauty. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see a poster, plastered hastily on the wall, along with many others, announcing that there would be slug tournaments held once a week, and that there would be one today! Getting on my chosen mecha beast, I rode off to the cavern selected on the poster, while deciding a name for the mecha.
I got off locket, my choice of name, and stood in the long line, waiting for everyone to move down so that I could get myself more experienced slugs at the wide and spacey cavern. After what seemed at least several hours of waiting, I finally got my turn.
"Name?" the person behind the stall blinked wearily.
"Lily Shane."

Lol, here's the rest. This used to fit into the one chapter, but I went all out and after editing, expanded the 1000 words to 2000. 😂😂

Maybe one day I'll come back to this and complete editing this one to match the first.

Slugterra: Siblings (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now