Lillia Shane

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Okay, for starters, today, isn't going too bad. Minus the molenoide coming into my new room in the middle of me changing. I just had breakfast, pancakes with whipped cream and honey and Eli suggested that we should go train for a while, he said that he needed to show me something. But after that, he disappeared. I asked Kord and he told me Eli was in the garage, so here I am, opening the door to the garage. I find myself looking at five mechabeasts. Wait, FIVE?! There was a new, shiny, midnight blue mecha with blazing orange stripes and flame shapes running up from its sides. It resembled a tiger and had a fluorescent pink saddle. Eli had his back to me, scuffling around with a picture on a wall.
"Eli, did you get this for me?" I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice as I bluntly blurted out the question.
Eli whipped around, suddenly tense, before relaxing and casually walking over to the indigo mecha.
"Maybe," he grins.
The shock doesn't hit me until I realised what he just said.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" I squealed in joy, tears rubbing at the corner of my eyes as I flung myself onto an unsuspecting brother. Squeezing him tight, I then move onto the mecha and trace two fingers over its snout,
"I'll name you... India."
He grins and traces his own hand around the mecha's snout.
"Good choice."
"Where did you get her?" I asked casually, fingering the handles.
"To be honest, I don't exactly know. I found her in the garage yesterday, after we came back. She was hidden under a pile of old blankets in a dusty corner. Kord worked stayed up all night to clean her out. Once that Cave troll's mind is set on something, you can't stop him from doing it," he replied, moving away from the mechabeast and going back to the painting on the wall. It was a picture of father, "I also found this." He murmured, fingering an old piece of paper between his hands.
I walked over to him, and he passed the paper towards me.
By the look in his eyes, it was important.

Dear Eli,
By the time you have found this, I would've already gone.
This mecha is a spare, not for you to keep unfortunately.
You see, there are things that I've kept secret from you, but by now, I know that you would already know that.
This letter is going to reveal one of them.
You're not the only child Eli,
You have a sister.
Lillia Shane.
One day, she as well, will come down to Slugterra,
And she will need your guidance.
Help her learn the basics of surviving because I never got the chance to.
This mecha is for her, not only this, but there is also a spare blaster hidden behind the painting in the garage.
These are for her.
Please don't get mad at me,
Will Shane.

"Dad usually doesn't sign off with his signature, which usually means that this is really important." Eli comments, realising that I had finished reading.
"Hey Eli, where is this blaster of mine?" I ask, nudging him in the side.
He feinted a hurt expression. "Ouch, you're stronger than you look. Anyway..." he swung the picture to the right and then to the left. Once he did, I saw a silver lock poking out of the side. It was the coded type of lock.
"1, 1, 5, 1, 7, 3" he whispers, rolling the spaces to the numbers.
As he put the last number in place, there was a loud 'click' and the safe opened.
Inside, was a beautiful multicoloured blaster.
"Wow." I say, awestruck.
"All you need now is one of those megamorph extensions attached and you're good to go!" he exclaims as I examine the blaster that was held out in front of me.
"May I?" I ask, holding out my hands towards the blaster.
"It's all yours."
I finger it and test its weight.
Surprisingly light.
It was a purplish pink at the barrel, a dash of dark blue mixed with the pink on the bottom. Th complex system of mechanisms were a wide range of golds, silvers, blues, greens and oranges. The handle was orange and was lined with some rubber, for extra grip.
"So what's a megamorph? I've never heard of one."
"See Burpy here?" He gestures to his infurnus, who gave me a friendly chirp, "the patterns on him aren't of a usual slug. He's been shot out of a blaster at 200miles per/hr so it enables him to transform into a more powerful version of himself. Unfortunately, less experienced slugs are unable to handle the speed, therefore unable to megamorph."
"How do you know if your slugs are experienced enough?" I question, using my hand to play around with Flamer, who had tried jumping onto my hand, but failed, bonking his head on the side of my hand and falling back onto my shoulder with an angry little chirp, glaring at the obstacle.
"You test and fire ofcourse."

Sorry for the long wait! I've almost forgotten about this book! Thankfully, there'll be more chapters and updates soon because....
Drumroll pleaz....
Anyway, I'm having a hard time trying to cope with 4 books at the same time. Since I don't have wifi at my house, I try my best to update as much as possible. I'll try and even the updating out, maybe once a week, but for now, I'll try to update once or twice every two/three days.
You may celebrate.
Lillia: whoop whoop! More time with my brother!
Author: *sigh* go away.
Lillia: *too happy to care* ^.^
Author: —_—

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