Regina Evelyn

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(Quick A/N. I'm only going to do two of her POV in the entire fanfic)
*When Lillia is inspecting The Drop*
I followed her to a big hole underground. Good. Lillia does not belong here. She can finally return to her rightful place in a dark, damp and dusty little cave. Dork. I heard that her mother died last week. Well good for her! I couldn't care less.      Go crying home to your dad! Oh wait... You don't have one anymore! What the heck was she doing? This had better be worth it. I ruined my purple sparkles dress coming down to the filthy place. Then I hear an ear-piercing shriek, after a while, I also hear a sound that I can't define, like technology glitching, before a big explosion. I carefully step out from my hiding spot, taking light steps towards the hole. A cloud of smoke puffs up from it and blinds me for a moment... before I realise it, a rock hits my toe and I there is no longer any earth left beneath my feet. I fell for... who knows how long until pain shoots up from everywhere on my body. Red and black spots dance around my vision. Bone crunching noises could be heard. I feel movement, rolling to the side, and then falling, again.
Finally, my fragile body cannot hold it together anymore as there is a final crash into the ground. Death invites me. Blackness overwhelms.

Red finds its way, feeling goes back into my muscles, creating an evermore excruciating pain and energy swims in my
body, my heart restarts pumping.
Several parts of my DNA had been evolved and twisted, cells involved, and a single word floats into my head:
Dark Water.

Slugterra: Siblings (DISCONTINUED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat