Regina Evelyn

802 23 5

A harsh, bright light fills my eyes. All my muscles are aching. Everything hurts.
But I survived.
I survived what seemed like a hundred mile fall.
Where am I?
"Do you think she's awake yet?" A voice whispers from outside my room?
"I don't know you dummy! For all I know, she could be dead!" a second voice joins the first.
"She looks like Dr. Blakk."
"Dr. Blakk was a man Loade! This is a girl we're talking about!" the second voice snaps, followed by a slap.
I sit up from the musty smelling bed, surprisingly feeling okay. This is definitely not my room. I put out a foot onto the floor and then the other. Testing to see if I could stand. I could, and so I head towards the bickering voices. Just before I reach them, a massive headache strikes. Voices start whispering to me, I can't make out the sounds but there is one: Slugterra.
Slugterra. Is that where I am?
More voices whisper in my head. I reach out to them and am overwhelmed by the force of knowledge. In that sudden moment, I knew everything. Living dark water is what saved me and now I have powers. Powers.
I like it.
Why? I have no idea, but I love the thought that I could get people to bend their will and mind to me. I close my eyes.
I could feel tendrils mass over my mind. I grab ahold of one and using it, reach out. There was static all throughout the air. I could feel the presence of the two bickerers enter my mind.
Locke and Load.
That's their names. They are brothers, to be more exact, twins.
I open my eyes again. I know exactly where they are. I walk through one of the doorways. Two brawny men stood at a table, still arguing and not noticing me. To a catch their attention I closed my eyes again and tugged violently at a tendril, opening my eyes, I knew that they had given me what I wanted. A smirk came over my face.
"Who are you?" Lock asks.
"The darkwater queen."

Okay, this is gonna sound wierd, but I never realised how fun it was to write the villain' s POV. So, you're going to see probably two or three more chapters of this. It's wierd cuz' I personally don't usually like reading the villain's POV.
Oh well. Likes and comments! (I love reading comments, it  makes me feel happy to know what you think so yeah.)☺️
Lillia: you are wierd.
Author: Hell, stop doing that!
Lillia: just had to make a evil character didn't you?
Lillia: calm down flaringo, don't set everyone on fire!
Author: —_—
Lillia: what?!
Author: get outta here.
Lillia: no! I like it here.
Author: you're annoying, you know that?
Lillia: Yeah, I get that a lot.
Author: how???? I haven't even developed your personality yet!
Lillia: but you know what my personality is like.
Author: *glares at Lillia, thinking of 70 different ways to kill her in her sleep*
Anywaaay... HL🐞
Lillia: Out!
Author: Aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!
Lillia: time to get out of here! *runs off*
Author: *gives chase with dagger*

Slugterra: Siblings (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now