Regina Evelyn

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     "Look, you two flopper-brained imbeciles," I snarled at them.
    They flinched, looked frightened.
    It gave me an odd twinge of satisfaction to strike that fear into their hearts.
    "I told you to capture and take as many slugs hostage as possible by the cavern I sent you to." I tried keeping the agitation out of my voice, but I could still hear myself pronouncing it clearly. "But what do I get?" I narrow my eyes at them, naturally reaching for the strings of power.
    Locke started to speak, but I cut him off.
   "Nothing." I hiss. He shrinks back, closes his mouth and shuts it tight. "Ab-so-lute-ly nothing." I snarled, bringing pain to the idiotic twins with every syllable. They collapsed to their knees, and I relaxed my facial features into the cold, unyielding mask I now knew to wear. With obvious distaste in my voice, I commanded them to go.
    Now alone, it was time to think and strategise. I clasped one of the slug canisters in my hand studying the terrified dirturchin inside of it. With just one single thought, I would be able to transform the slug into a ghoul in my hands.
   None of these naive people in these caverns even knew what I was planning, as I stood in the middle of this old abandoned mansion, filled with old ghouling technology, remnants of forgotten experiments and portraits of a man with bone-white skin and a menacing gleam in those cold eyes of his.
    I knew what he had been planning, right from the beginning I set foot in this place, and I would carry on his unfinished business. I didn't care if anything got in my way, for all would be easily moved aside and disposed of. I would take over this land if it were the last thing I do.

  And I always got what I wanted.

Now it was time for step two of my master plan.

    Search and destroy.

Lillia: I hate that creep.
Author: Well, you'll hate her even more when you encounter her.
Lillia: *shudders* I don't even want to know.
Author: well you're going to know soon, so no use worrying!
Lillia: *glares*
Author: Anyhow, let's cut to the more important is that I'm super duper sorry to everyone who has been waiting forever on my excruciatingly slow updates. I mean, I don't even have a good excuse to why on earth I have been so slow, but then and again, it may be perhaps I haven't been in touch with this fandom in a very, very, very long time.
Lillia: And you're gonna break even worse news aren't ya?
Author: Uh, yeah. I'm feeling super guilty and kinda ashamed at how short this chapter is and how badly I need to finish this book soon but unfortunately, I'm going to be going on a like, holiday holiday soon so, I won't be updating at all next week. I promise there will be doible/triple updates by the 27th of January so um,  wait until then.
Lillia:😭😭😭 noooooooo!
Author: *pats Lilli on the back* there there, it's only for another week.
Lillia: *sniffle sniffle*
Author: Right, HL🐞
Lillia: *small smile* Out.

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