The Boy In The Polka Dotted Bikini. Chapter, Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Willow! My baby, where are you? Are you okay? What happened? Come home. I need you," I spoke a mile a minute.

"Mommy, I'm okay. I can't tell you where I am or what's going on, just know that I love you," she spoke and her voice broke.

"Willow, Vance is coming. He'll get mad," a girls voice said and Willow breathed in a shaky breath.

"Mom I got to -"

"DON'T GO!" I screamed a sudden panic forming in my stomach. I just got alifeline to her, and I didnt want to looseher.

She started crying, "I don't want too, I'll try calling you again sometime, I promise you. Just please take care of yourself" she said and then she was gone.

I stared at the phone, and threw it with all the force I could muster. It crashed against the wall with a crack, and fell to the ground.

"What happened?" Damien said as he came running into the room.

"She called me," was all I could say before I couldn't speak anymore. I buried my head into the couch, and Damien rubbed my back in soothing motion.

I didn't want him to touch me though, he didn't know what I was going threw. He only knew her, for a few months I knew her for sixteen years.

"Don't touch me," I said and pushed him away from me.

"Jerry..." he said and I shook my head.

"Can you just please leave? I want to be alone," I said and he looked torn but left. As soon as he was gone, I curled into a ball on the couch. The tears falling from my eyes as I stared at the blank white wall.


Kane P.O.V

"You have to come and see her," Damien said through the phone. I didn't know what to say, my sister didn't want to see me. She made that clear, in the hospital.

"Okay, Marty-"

"No. just you," he said and I clenched my teeth together.

"Uh, Okay." I said and then I heard a scream and a thud threw the phone and my eyes widened.

"Shit," I heard Damien mutter. "I got to go, come over now please," Damien asked before the phone went silent.

"Who was that?" Marty asked, her arms going around my waist and her chin on my shoulder.

"It was your brother, he wants me to go see my sister," I said and she sighed.

"Then go," she said with her light voice. I turned around and had to bite my tongue. She didn't think I noticed that her skin was growing paler, and the clumps of hair in the garbage can. How she was always tired.

"Are you sure? I mean I don't have to go, we can just stay here and..." she cut me off with her lips on mine.

"You talk to much sometimes," she whispered against my lips as I kissed her back. "Go, I'm just going to go rest my eyes," she said and pulled away from me. "I might not be home when you get back, I have a doctors appointment today," she said and then left before I could ask questions.

We were living in her mom and dads guest house, at the moment. I liked it, it was a small little house, perfect for Marty and I.

I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house, and to my car. I slid in and began the drive to my old house. I pulled up in front of it, and I noticed that the blinds were pulled shut.

I knew Willow was missing, and I hoped she was found soon. She was my little sister pretty much, and it killed me not knowing where she was.

It killed me even more, that I couldn't share my grief with my big sister, who was practically my mom. I walked into the house, and immediately saw her crumpled form on the couch. "Sis.." I said and she looked up with a start.

"Kane..." she whispered and then she was throwing her arms around me. Hugging me to her, so tight I could barely breath. "I'm so sorry for being mean to you, you're the only one who knows what I'm going threw, and I need you," she cried into my shoulder as I held onto her.

I finally let some tears fall from my eyes, as I hugged her back. I loved having her back, because she is my sister, my best friend, and most of allmy mother.


Sorry if this is badly edited, I did it myself. O.O

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