The Boy In The Polka Dotted Bikini. Chap. Two.

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Chapter Two.

Willow P.O.V

"It was all Uncle Kane's fault, I swear mom" I said, as soon as we were all settled into the car.  

"No it wasn't. For a young girl, she can be very persistent" Kane said, and I scoffed.  

"Mom, Who are you going to believe, me your beloved daughter, or the pig who sleeps on your couch?!" I asked, and she sent us a look that meant shut up now. "I'm going ask one more time, what happened?" she asked, and we both let out a sigh. 

"I asked her if she wanted to go to wal-mart with me, to get some Tylenol" Kane started.  

"I agreed, because I was bored" I said. 

"She suggested it would be funny to throw spoons at people, while we hid behind the toilet paper and towels" he said, and I frowned. 

"He was stupid enough to actually want to do it" I added quickly.

"She was dumb enough to agree, when I said lets do it" he blurted out, and I glared at him. 

"He was the one who threw the spoon, that made that old man fall!" I said and he glared at me back.  

"She laughed!" he screeched, and I gasped.  

"You laughed too!" I said and before he could say anything else my mom stepped in. 

"If I wasn't having a bad day, and you didn't make the old guy fall and break a hip and we might have a law suit on our hands, I would say that was an awesome idea" my mom said, and smiled. I laughed, and so did Kane.

"Bad lunch date?" I asked, and she nodded a small yes. I could see she was struggling not to cry, which had my blood boiling. Kane immediately stepped up, and asked the question I was burning to ask. "Did they talk about, you know who?" he asked, careful not to hurt her anymore then she already was. "Yeah, They did" she said, and my fist tightened. I knew I had a dad, that was a no show. My mom didn't talk about him, at all. I don't know his name, or what he looks like. All I know is that he broke my mothers heart, and that was enough for me to hate him.

"Who cares, He is a nobody" I said, and she smiled lightly. A small tear escaping, "Let's go to Aunt Candy's. I so need girl time, with Melody" I grinned, Melody wasn't my best friend, we were more then that we were sisters. We grew up together, and new how it felt to be raised in a single parent house hold. "Okay" my mom said, and my uncle groaned. Flinging himself across the backseat of the car. We just laughed, moments later we were pulling into my Aunt Candy's driveway. I flung myself out of the car, and ran inside and straight upstairs. Falling into Melody's room.

"Melody, Hun I was in Jail today!" I screeched. 

"You in Jail? Yeah right" she said, as I looked up. She was giving me the, what the hell look as she painted her toe nails. Melody was very pretty, she had gorgeous natural light blonde hair, the underneath was died black. Her nose was pierced, and she also had a piercing right underneath the bottom of her lip. "I swear I was, so was Kane. He made me throw spoons at people!" I said, and she gave me a look before bursting out laughing.

"If it has to do with spoons, then yeah I believe you" she laughed out, and I stood up. "It was horrible experience" I said with a shudder, and she just smiled. Her phone went off, and as she talked to who ever was on the other line, I logged into face book. To tell everyone about my horrible accident. "Yeah, we have nothing better to do tonight so well be there" she said, before hanging up. 

"Well be where tonight? Because I might be busy tonight" I said and she giggled.

"You busy? Doing what saving the world?" she asked, and I spun around in her spinning chair, crossing my legs and pretending to pet a hairless cat. "Saving the world?" I said, in a deep evil voice then laughed an evil voice. "I'm going to rule the world" I said laughing a very loud evil laugh that had her staring at me like I lost my mind. I stopped, cleared my voice and said "I can do that after tonight though" I said, and she laughed at my stupidness.

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