Max gets that look on her face, the same one from when she destroyed her phone, grips my shoulders and shakes me hard.

"Becca, listen to me," she yells, just as my vision loses focus.

"I'm thirsty, is anyone else... I n—"

Max shakes me again, forcing me to look at her. "Becca. I need you to do something for me. I need you to run, as fast as you can, right now. Over the fence, passed the trees, don't stop to collect two-hundred at 'Go.' Can you do that?"

Her blue eyes are worried, and they're all that I can focus on, as I allow my jaw to drop. I offer her a nod, but it's a partial lie. I can run, but I'm not sure how far I'd get.

When I see her nodding back at me, I realize she meant now now, and turn and begin to run.

It's now that I become vaguely aware that the lack of sound in my ear is because of the lack of noise being made. To my sides, bunches of boys are being held back by one or two people, wild looks in their eyes, and to my surprise—not really—Heaven has four of them bound in her iron grasp.

But no one looks like they can be held back for long as I make a mad dash for the fence. It's brick, not meant to keep us in, but rather to keep other people out, and it is much higher than is intended for someone my height to climb.

Oh jeez.

I don't allow my steps to falter though, that is until I hear someone's pace begin to match mine. I turn, fearing I've been caught by the sudden swarms of boys, but find instead that it's Kai.

Beautifully masculine, wonderful, green-eyed, sans helmet Kai, sheds his gloves, already having removed his pads and jersey, as he runs up behind me, sweeping me over his shoulder before mumbling I'm sorry.

I don't get a chance to ask him what for when he launches me over the fence. I want to scream, or perhaps cry out, but all of the air leaves my lungs with a 'whoosh' as I hit the forest floor.

I lie there breathing harshly, and in what I'm sure should be agonizing pain, until a mere few seconds later, Kai is there with me.

He tosses me back over his shoulder, and I brace myself for the ride as he races into the woods.

I bounce endlessly, my ribs strangely not hurt by this process as Kai bounds toward some nameless location, muttering something about needing more time.

Perhaps I'm just touch deprived, I laugh to myself, feeling my arms cool down where they brush against Kai's.

He continues running, but in the mean time, the heat I feel becomes ll consuming. My throat is so dry, I'm pretty sure that if Kai asked me a question, the closest he'd get to a reply would be a wheeze.

Suddenly, I feel as though I'm dying. I groan out in agony as I try to grip at my throat, panicking as I feel that I'm unable to breathe.

"Hold your breath," Kai calls to me, and I wish I could laugh. 

Not a problem.

In an instant, he jumps, higher than what should be humanly possible. His legs curl in on his hulking frame before finally we hit water?

I accidentally let out a sigh, feeling the all encompassing relief of coolness, but find myself mentally begging for the staleness of the oxygen above, seeing as my relief is short lived, the cooling sensation of the water quickly turning into the feeling of scalding steam. We resurface, appearing to be in a secluded lake, a miniature oasis which comes complete with what sounds like a waterfall. 

Kai wades us closer to the sound and I tense, hoping he's more than aware that humans can't swim up a wall. Kai murmurs something unintelligible to me once more, and then we're being hit from above with another splash of refreshingly cool water.

My ponytail sticks to me, and I wonder vaguely if I'll be responsible for this uniform getting wet.

Just as quick as that splash came, it's gone, and my body feels as though I'm frying from the inside out.

"Kai," I call hoarsely, as he puts me down on the ledge of what I now see is a repurposed cave. Hidden behind the waterfall, it has virtually all the makings of a studio apartment, with a deluxe air mattress and premade fire pit.

"It's okay," Kai murmurs to me. His wet hair sticks to his forehead as he brushes mine out of my own face. "It's just the heat. We just have to wait it out for a week or so, and we'll be fine."

As soon as he says 'heat' I feel like every part of me contracts. "No," I moan, my lower muscles clenching around nothing, feeling unbearably empty inside.

"Yes," Kai says, nodding at me as I shake my head with as much vehemence as I can muster.

My body contracts once again and I feel my body begin to contort. "No!"

"Shit," Kai's eyes flash green with his expletive, and he cups my face in his large, cooling hands. "You feel it don't you?"

I nod, hands roving in search of his bare chest. "Can you make it stop?"

Kai winces, gripping me tighter with the action, causing me to let out a moan as he gives his reply. "Yes," he hisses through clenched teeth.

"Do it."

He shakes his head, and pulls his hands off of me, pushing back so that he's untouchable unless I get in the water with him. "You'd regret it later."

Deep down I know what he means, know that as I feel my clothes become soaked with more than water that there's no other option, but I can also tell that he's right. 

"Just touch me," I gasp, crying out a second later.

Kai swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. He's contemplating, and I'm thankful that he cares so much about what I'll think later, but I'll be damned if I'm going to allow myself to have an inexplicable heat stroke because he's 'caring.' 

I reach for him, rolling over and accidentally fall into the shallow water. Though a bit muffled. I hear him curse, before tugging me back onto the ledge. I sputter slightly, but take the opportunity to secure my hold on him. "Please."

Kai's eyes close, and he rolls his shoulders as though preparing for a fight. "Okay."


I don't think this is edited❤️

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