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Pushing past popcorn addicts

Crazed bacchae and revelers

You search for the garb of a witch


You catch a tail here

A tale there

But with every step you take

You find yourself running another direction

You find yourself wanting another confection

You find yourself wanting to stay


You want to curl up and sleep

In that tiger's bed of hay

You want to do something- anything else

But you fight it

Your hands ball, your teeth grit


You meet her at the gate

Your heart is full of hate

And yet something in you smiles when she does

She's radiant in her cloud of dust

And stars


They form on the outside

The feline boy and the straight-backed psychic

In your mind, you feel something click


On your knees, you watch

As she steps through the gate

As her glamour, like a balloon

Seems to deflate

The Old Witch is indeed, a girl

Eighteen at the most

For her age, you admit

She made a good host


She embraces her friends

On the other side

The tiger-boy reassures them both

Until tears are all dried


They cheer

They cry

Eventually, they'll die

But now, there are lives to live

Breaths to take

Bad songs to sing

Homes to make

Just not for you


Because you stayed in the Circus Everlasting

this is the next story

I'll put you through



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