First Day

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"Where the Hell are they?!"

Neji thought to himself, frustrated, as he waited impatiently outside of Konoha High. The most prestigious school in the city of Konohagakure. Known for its education and sports team.

Neji checked the time on his phone, 9:15am. Exactly fifteen minutes before the welcoming ceremony started.

He had received Hinata's text that said she and Tenten would be late to school. He didn't think they would be thirty minutes late.

Neji gives a tired sigh, placing his phone back into his dark blue dress pants.

Most of the students were already in the Auditorium.

Mentally thanking Lee as he fixes his white button up shirt. Lee had went earlier to the Auditorium to save the four of them seats.

Just before Neji was about to head inside, he saw two figures approach the top of the stairs of the building.

"Sorry Nii-san," Hinata panted out as she bent over to catch her breath.

"Yeah traffic was busy today," Tenten laughed, moving a strand of loose hair back into her bun.

Neji shook his head, "Let's go before the ceremony starts". He pulled the cream colored doors, that had the leaf symbol on them, open; heading inside.

Tenten and Hinata followed behind him passing cream colored lockers that were numbered.

When the opened the big brown doors to the Auditorium opened, they were glad to hear the chatter if students instead of utter silence.

Spotting Rock Lee, who was waving his hands around furiously from the middle row, they sat down making mindless conversation before the ceremony started.

Soon, a blonde woman with her hair tied into a low ponytail. She had semi-pale skin with light brown eyes and a purple diamond like tatoo on her forehead. This woman was no one other than Tsunade Senju, principal of Konoha High.

She cleared her throat and the Auditorium that was once filled with students conversing was in silence.

"Welcome to/back to Konoha High. The names Tsunade Senju, principal of this school." She began like she did every school year.

Tenten let out a yawn that caught the attention, well a slight glance of concern from Neji, who sat beside her.

The brunette noticed how he glanced in her direction and inwardly smiled.

"Hanabi," she whispered quietly so that he could only hear.

It was the only explanation given to him, but he seemed to understand, considering he stopped by her house this morning.

'So that's what took Hanabi so long.' He thought to himself letting out a chuckle, knowing that Hanabi must've done something mischievous as always.

'She really needs to stop hanging around Naruto, he's rubbing off on her'. He shook his head, bringing his attention back to the stage.

"BORINGGGG!!!" A familiar voice shouted from the front row. Grabbing the attention of Hinata who was about to fall asleep when she heard his voice.

"SHUT IT NARUTO!" A girl with cotton candy colored hair yelled back at him, hitting the side of his head.

Hinata looked over to the front row to see Naruto and Sakura sitting there arguing, loud enough for the whole Auditorium to hear.

She glanced from Naruto to Sakura as they kept arguing until Tsunade stepped in.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT!!!" She yelled and the two stiffened in their seats.

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