White Forgives Black

Start from the beginning

Ruby: I quickly look back to get blown off my feet. As I scream in mid air I landed hard on the concert ground with my weapon flying out of my hand

Orlando:"Ruby!" out of concern I try running to help her but Neon flew down to my direction, then held me against one of the shipping containers with his sword. I try moving it away from my body struggling to move it from me

Torchwick: I started laughing heavily to the sight of Red getting blown away

Penny: I glare towards the man in the hat, then walked closer to the edge of the roof eyeing him

Ruby: After I stood up I notice Penny heading towards Torchwick. I reach my hand out to her with panic"Penny, Wait! Stop!"

Penny: As I stood tall I look back at Ruby"Don't worry Ruby." I then look back at the bad people infront of me with a glare"I'm combat ready!" My back pack release several hovering blades, then I jump at a far distance. Before I landed on my feets I send four blades attacking two of the faunus soilders. Then as I move my body the hovering blades follow it towards right to left knocking out the faunus soilders that try to attack me. Out of no where two more of them try to charge at me from front so I made my blades spin in circle to launch them away from me like a bomer rang

Neon(Sparta Form): I smirk to the sight of the girl figiting style with the hovering swords"Hmph. The cutest one's are always full of surprises."

Orlando: I quickly grab Neon by the head, then force a incendiary grenada in his mouth while pulling the pin in the processes"This is Orleans party gift!" I use my foot to kick him away from me as the incendiary grenada exploded with flames burning him and his surroundings

Neon(Sparta Form): I created a frozen cocoon around me after I spit out the frag grenada before it exploded, then broke out of my frozen cocoon state while I look back at Orlando smiling"Good one." We heard a lound explosion towards the direction where the girl with orange hair was fighting. She fire amount of laser beams from her weapons to shoot down the ships which send excitement down my spine just from the sight of it

Penny: I use my hovering swords to attach them to a ship that try to take off. Then I started to walk back pulling it down with thin wire's attach to the blades

Ruby: As I was looking at Penny pulling the ship down I couldn't help but be impress at the sight of it"Woah. How is she doing that?"

Torchwick: Knowing that I am losing a fight here I decided to run back into a ship to take off away from the area

Penny: Once the ship got close to the ground I force it to crash land exploding it into millions of pieces and ingulf it with flames

Torchwick: As the ship was taken off I look back towards the kids finding them strange to look at"These kids just keep getting werider!" I close the door leaving the docks from all the kids by themselves

Neon(Sparta Form): I look at Orlando shrugging to Torchwick leaving"Time to part ways..." I spread my wings taken off towards the sky's

Orlando: I ran towards Neon reaching my hands towards him"Wait, Neon!..." I stood still looking Neon taken off with a hint of sadness on my face"I just...don't understand what happen to us..." I sigh with sadness as I drop my hands to my sides only to see his back on me again

Minutes later

Orlando: After the cop's show up to the docks the rest of us sat down waiting for the rest of our friends to show up

Nero: As me, Orleans, Snow, Yang, and Weiss are walking towards our friend's. I look at Ruby feeling my chest bursting with relief, but before I could start running I got stop by a medic

Medic: "Sorry sir we can't let a...'Grimm' see them if you know what I-"

Nero: Before he could finish I punch him in the eye to knock him off his feets, then I look down at him only to see a black eye and a small cut giving out blood"Don't get in my way!" I continue my walk towards Ruby and the others

Ruby: Once I notice Weiss was coming towards Blake I quickly stood up walking towards her"Look Weiss it's not what you think she explained the whole thing you see she doesn't actually wear a bow she has kitty ear's and they're actually kinda cute."

Blake: While I stood my ground Weiss stop in her tracks standing right infront of me with her usual serious look"Weiss. I want you to know I am no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was-"

Weiss: "Stop." I cut her off so I could speak"Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you?" I waited for Blake to answer my question, but I eventually broke the silence"Twelve hours. That means I've had tweleve hours to think about this. And in that tweleve hours I've decided..."

Orleans: We all waited in silence to hear Weiss response

Weiss: "I don't care!"

Blake: I look at Weiss surprise to her answer. To hear that it was just out of the blue"You don't care?"

Weiss: "You said you're not one of them anymore, right?"

Blake: I nodded to her question"No, I h-haven't been since I was younger-"

Weiss: I cut her off again while rising my hands"Upupupupup! I don't wanna hear it. All I want to know, is that the next time something big like this come ups...you'll come to your teammates." I look at the monkey Faunus"And not some...someone else."

Blake: I wipe away a small tear, then nodded agreeing with her"Of course."

Weiss: I smile feeling happy, then I look at Orlando with sincere face"I am sorry." I then look towards Orleans"Both of you. I for sure went...to much with my words about your parents a-and I'm sorry." I notice Snow was smiling proudly towards me, then my cheeks burst into color of pink rose's

Ruby: As I was smiling with excitement I couldn't help but spread my arm's cheering"Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!"

Nero: I slowly walk up to Ruby wrapping my arm's around her tightly

Ruby: My arm's started moving feeling panic and surprise to Nero sudden hug"N-N-Nero w-what you doing!?"

Nero: I held Ruby tightly while I bury my face into her neck"I thought I wasn't gonna see you when I found out what happen to you..."

Ruby: After I heard what he said I slowly realize he was worrying about me through his trip getting here"Nero. Remeber I have aura, even if I get shot I'll still be fine hehe." I laugh nervously as I purposely let my body get squeeze into his arm's

Nero: I slowly chuckle abit"Try telling that to someone with no Aura." I slowly remove my face from her neck to look into her silvery dazzling eye's

Orleans: I cough loudly to get they're attention"PDA..."After they let each other go we all hurdle into a hug

Weiss: After we all hurdle up I look back at the faunus monkey pointing at him with a glare"I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!"

Sun: I laugh nervously just from the arkward situation I got from her through her glare and finger

Orlando: I laugh to the sight of Weiss being Weiss as she usually is"You'll get use to it monkey boy."

Ruby: I look around realizing Penny is missing"Wait a minute. Where Penny?" I asked confuse to her sudden absent

Penny: While I was sitting inside a care I look through the window seeing my friends feeling happy at the sight of them being together

Driver: "You should know better than to go running off around in a strange city."

Penny: I look down upset to the driver response"I know sir." We started driving off leaving the docks

Driver: "Penny. Your time will come."

Ozpin: As I was watching a live feed from a device I got a message by the name'Qrow' "Hmm." I look up being in my own thoughts"Alot of strange things this year then I predicated."

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