Red Stands For Love

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Ruby: I came out of the restroom in my dorm room still wearing my normal outfit instead of my pajams, then I walk towards the window waiting for Nero. I feel like I have butterfly in my stomach

Yang: I sneak up on Ruby giving her goosebumps"What ya doing!"

Ruby: I jump from Yang surprise"Y-Yang I-I nothing!"

Yang: I look at her suspicious"Waiting for you know who." I gave her a flirty look after giving her a wink

Ruby: my face went bright red as I cover my cheeks with a innocent look"W-what! I-I was just uhh."

Yang: I wrap my arms around her neck"Come onnn. No use hiding that face."

Ruby: I struggle to get out of her hold"Yang!" I eventuallt was able to escape her hold"He wanted me to be here s-so I'm doing that." I play with my hair hoping I don't show my blush

Yang: I laugh excitedly to her behaviour"Aww y'all will be so cute together!"

Ruby: I pull my hoodie over my head to cover my face"I-it not like that..."

Yang: I gave her a face of disblef"Ruby! There no way that you don't like Nero, your face expresses it!" I remove her hoodie to only see her face all red and hot to where she will start steaming up"Seriously you can not say you don't like him or...I...n...l...o...v...e."

Ruby: I put my face over her mouth"Yaaaaaaang!!!"When she remove my hand from her mouth she look at me with a questionable look"I-I...I do heart...pounding at times..." I play with my fingers as I look away from her with a blushful smile

Yang: I quickly wrapped my arms around her for a tight hug"Ohh, my baby sister IS inlove!"

Ruby: I struggle to breath to let out some words"H-how do y-you know?"

Yang: I let her go and as she was breathing I kept looking at her with a flirty face"Come on Ruby! Don't you want him to just hold you tight in his arms!"

Rubh: I smile nicely to the thought of it"W-well I do think it...will feel good." After I had that thought I then end up having the thoughts of the life Nero had"I'm not so sure I never had a relationship, but I feel like he doesn't know how to be with a person."

Yang: I look at my sister confuse as I walked to her side"What you mean by that?"

Ruby: I felt sad as I held my hands together"The last time I talk to Nero... He acted he wasn't even a person a-and I'm worry about him and scare of what he will might not be able to offer me."

Nero(Stratos form): by the time I heard what Ruby just said I stop right beside her window and listen in

Yang: I pull her in for a hug for comfort"Hey sis don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will go fine."

Ruby: I pull myself away slightly to look at Yang"You don't understand. He acts empty, like he doesn't expresses himself. So what if he doesn't express or want to express what he thinks or feels about how I feel about him?"

Nero(Stratos form): I was surprise to hear that from Ruby. I can only guess she never delt with anyone like me and I can't blame her for thinking that...

Yang: I laugh to her silly question"Ruby look at yourself. Your personality is to exciting not to have some kind of emotion towards it. I mean look at how Weiss and Blake felt towards you. What was the last thing you and Nero talk about?"

Ruby: I took a moment to memorize, then I notice my pinkie"He made a promise that he will be more open up with me."

Yang: I poke her noise to stop her right in that sentence"See! That promise, he had to felt something about it, something special and the only way to find out is to go see for yourself."

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