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          Warren was in his parents' house,in the gym doing his morning workouts.Max and Sadi picked up Simon in Maxs' car and were on their way to meet Warren.He had sent Max a  text at around 3:00 am:
     'Your asses better be here when you wake up.Party tonight at a place.Pick up the gang and pull up on me.Bring your penises🗣'
          Warren was the alpha of the group;tall,dark,muscular and always had the cool girls around him.He was more responsible than the others and most people who met him said he was nice.Max loved talking about girls but never found the courage to approach the one he liked.Every crush he had on a beautiful girl ended up in getting drunk,smoking marijuana or masturbating.Mostly masturbating.He prefered to use soap rather than lotion for he thought soap helped remove the dead skin from his penis;
"Killing two birds on one penis,"
he always said.
          Sadi was the weird one:He loved seeing pictures of women with big buttocks and wasn't ashamed of telling people he liked pornography.He loved wearing shorts and was obssessed with older women.He had short dreadlocks around the top of his head and trimmed the hair on the sides.He always had a lollipop in his mouth.
          After a ten minute drive from Simon's house,they drove into Warrens' home.He was waiting for them in the parking lot leaning on his black two thousand and ten Toyota FJ Cruiser.
          "So what's the plan?"
Simon asked Warren as they bumped fists.
     "The plan is we hang out here and when the clock hits eight O'clock we turn up,dummy!"
"Who'se party is it?"
Asked Max.
"You don't know her.Her name is Tata;twenty years old so that means the party will be filled with girls around her age.The party is at night so for sure we are getting higher than a rasta in Portugal."
Said Warren.
     "Well,what do we do before eight?"
Asked Simon.
"I got FIFA so let's go inside.I hope you came with condoms Sadi."
"Say less!"
   Said Sadi.

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