Part 10: Yacht

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It was around 3am in the Arctic circle and below zero outside. The moon cast some light but not enough to take off night vision.

Jager: "Alright guys, this is as far as we go."

Everyone nodded and got ready to exit the chopper. All of the operators were huddling in a circle, ready to discuss the plan of action.

Sledge: "(Y/N), you go with Ela on this one. I'll take Doc and we'll enter from the top." Seamus explained.

"Got it. Ela, you ready for this?"

Ela: "Well of course I am. Let's do this."

Doc: "Be careful, I'll give you each a stim shot to use only in emergencies." Doc said with a grave voice.

Ela: "Me and (y/n) will enter through the bottom. There is supposedly a breach in the hull by the front of the ship. We'll enter through there."

"So what about these-" You were cut off by to snowmobiles come from seemingly nowhere.

Everyone raised their weapons and studied these people. They were wearing white and had Canadian flags on their uniforms. These people were Buck and Frost, according to what Six told us.

Buck: "Buck and Frost reporting for duty" He had a very thick French Canadian accent.

Frost: "Hello, we're from the CTU called the Joint Task Force 2, or JTF2 for short." They shut their snowmobiles off and hopped down to meet everyone.

Buck: "So what's the plan here?"

Sledge: "We can have two squads of three or three squads of two, mate."

Everyone voted to have three squads of two.

Buck: "Let's get to it then, shall we?"

"Fook yeah mate." Everyone agreed.

You all set off on snowmobiles. Six made sure that there were two of them in the cargo hold of the chopper.

Buck and Frost rode on their own snowmobiles while Doc and Sledge rode on the other. Ela had to ride passenger on yours.

Ela was blushing the whole time.

Of course, you've had a lot of experience with sleds like these, but it's been at least 8 years since you last rode one.

You and your squad slowly approached the yacht, which was stuck in a big ice sheet in the ocean. It was dark and desolate the only sound you could hear was the quiet snowmobiles that had special modifications for stealth ops.

You came to a stop by a big iceberg which was probably the one that the ship made contact with.

Both you and Ela hopped of the sleds and prepared yourselves for the coming fight.

Ela kisses you on the cheek.

Ela:"Don't die on me (y/n), okay?"

"Got it. I'll never die." You say with a smile, which is covered by your mask. She got the idea.

You hear chatter over stealth coms. It's Sledge.

Sledge: "Bravo team in position"

Now it's Buck.

Buck:"Charlie team in position."

"Ten four, Alpha team is in position."

Sledge:"Throwing a drone." He whispered over coms.

"Alright Ela. I want you to watch my six... Make sure your suppressors are screwed in all the way." You joked.

Ela:"Now's not the time for making jokes (y/n)." She said back in a joking tone.

*Sighs* "Hypocrite." You laughed.

"Alright enough now, I'm going in."

Ela:"I'm on your six"

Both operators entered the breach in the hull. While on the other side of the ship, Bravo and Charlie teams were droning it out for Alpha team. None of them knew what was about to happen...

To be continued...

Here's a sample of what I've been working on... I know it's not much but I haven't been wanting to write anymore. Sorry abt that but hey! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!🎄 What did you guys get? Also, don't forget to leave a comment and a like! Have a happy new year!

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