Epilogue- Happy Ending

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I touched my wrapped torso. It's been almost two months before they let us out and here we were, standing in the train station waiting for seperate trains.

"Ed," I turned to him, "could we talk someplace private before either train comes?"

He looked at me and nodded. He followed me to a secluded part of the station and I grabbed his freed hand.

"Dani, what is it?" He asked and carressed my Automail hand.

I looked at him, "You know how I reacted when you almost died and how I said I would tell you what those kisses ment, right?"

"Yes, but Dani, you don't have to tell me n-"

"Yes, I do. If I don't I'd be feeling uncertain wheather or not you're going to return it. Ed..." I choked on my words.

He made me look into his eyes, "It's alright. Just breathe your words."

Nodding I got ready to say the three little words.

"Ed... Iloveyou." I slurred.


"I," I breathed, "love you."

His eyes searched my face and I turned pink. That's when he grinned.

"I've been waiting to get it off my chest too. I love you too. More than you can imagine." He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

I turned my face and kissed his cheek, "I'm also moving to Risembool."

He stared down at me in shock, "Really? Where are you and Molly going to stay?"

"I have an idea." I smiled, "Maybe a little house near Winry's and if you rebuild your childhood home we could be even closer?"

He pressed a kiss to my forehead and a train whistled. I gasped and we tore out of each other's embrace to rush me onto my train.

"Call before you come!" He laughed.

I grabbed his shirt collar as the train began moving and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I definately won't." I grinned and let go. He rolled his eyes as I waved good-bye to Al. Both men that I loved, one just a bit more than the other.


"Mommy!" Molly launched herself at me as soon as I opened the apartment door.

I caught her, "You've grown! Baby girl, where has the time gone?!"

She giggled and I found Izumi and Sig sitting on the couch. Tears gethered in my eyes and I walked over to them.

"Thank you. For everything." I smiled.

Izumi got up and wrapped me and Molly in a hug.

"You stupid girl. You could've died." She laughed.

Molly latched her arms around me tighter.

"Well, I didn't. I'm going to miss this place." I laughed.

She thumped me on the back of the head, "Come back and visit at least once a month. I didn't help raise a woman to be one who abandons her family."

I nodded and handed her Molly so I could hug Sig.

"Don't forget me." I laughed tearfully.

He ruffled my hair, "Be careful with Edward, Daniella. If he does something stupid, call us and I'll sort him out for you."

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